Chapter 6 - The Reunion

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All four managed to get some sleep, it wasn't much though. Sami woke up roughly 5 minutes before Dean. When Dean woke Sami was in the restroom and tried to get in there. 

"Open the door dude. Roman, hurry up." He then looked over to the other two beds, one was empty and Roman was still asleep in the other. 

"Seth." He whispered as he looked over to the sofa seeing Seth sat watching tv and went over to him. 

"Seth, who's in the toilet?" 


"Why is it locked?" 


"Nope, he's asleep." 

"I dunno." 

"He broke it again didn't he?" 

"Probably, wake him up. Ask him." Dean woke Roman by constantly poking him on the face. 

"Fuck off Dean." 

"No, dude, who is in the bathroom? Seth said nobody. Either someone is in there or you broke the door again." 

"I didn't break the door. Hey, I didn't break it last time shit face." 

"You did but you won't admit it." 

"Whatever. There is someone in there. Do you want to know?" 

"Duh? That's why I asked." 

"MOXLEY! Shit face! Long time, no see." Sami had unlocked the door and was just stood there in the doorway. 

"S... Sami?" Dean looked at Roman and Seth who had just turned around. Dean charged at Sami, hugging him tightly. 

"I missed you." 

"Me too bud. Silly dumb fuck." 

"I ain't a dumb fuck, you ass fucker." 

"Yeah whatever." 

"You loved it though." 

"Yeah, all night." While this exchange was going on Seth had got up and stood next to Roman, both smiling. Dean looked over. 

"What are you two so happy about?" 

"Nothing." Roman and Seth smiled.

"Sami what are you doing here?" 

"Roman called me from your phone. He told me you had a concussion." 

"Why did you tell him, it isn't that bad." 

"Remeber back when Seth got hurt? What did you say to me?" 

"If I ever got hurt, phone Sami to let him know." 

"There you go." 

"Hate to interupt the reunion, but we gotta get going." Seth jumped in. 

"But... I'm hungry." 

"Not again Dean." 


"All you ever do is eat. Was he like this on the indepentents?" 

"Oh yes. Him and those ribs have a special relationship." 

"Shut up." 

"Especially barbeque, that was the one." 

"It still is." 

"Seth shut it." 


"Will you guys stop stealing my lines?" 


"You better, or else?" 

"Or else?" 

"I will kill you." 

"Dramatic much." 

"I will, you know I will." 

"Oh, alright. Just this once." 

"Good, now lets get breakfast. Then we can go to the gym." 

Breakfast didn't take long at all. Dean practically inhaled his, as usual. One second it was there and then it was gone. While waiting for the others to finish Dean would sit there just constantly tapping his foot on the ground. That was his way of letting people know he was getting a little impatient and wanted to move about, he never really liked to sit around. Eventually they all finished, Dean let out a sign of relief and they soon left. Not long after, they were at the gym. 

"Dean, take it easy." 

"Roman, I can have a walk on the treadmill. It wont kill me you know." 

"I know but still, you know what I'm like. I worry to much." 

"I know, just give me a little space to breathe." 

"Sure. Sorry for being a bit over the top." 

"Don't worry about it, it shows you care." They worked out for a few hours before they had to leave to get to the Smackdown tapings.

** Sorry for the bad chapter. I will make up for it later. This chapter was really just getting Dean and Sami back together **

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