Chapter 38 - We Need Your Help

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One week later. Dean felt a lot better about everything. He wouldn't shut up when he spoke to Roman and Seth. He would ramble on and on about stuff. This was the Dean everyone knew and loved.

This next week, Dean wanted to treat Tamara... No, spoil her. She stood by him all the way, even when he was being an asshole. He was forever in her debt. She brought him out of the darkness, the cold dark place in his mind to the light, somewhere that he could see a future with his brothers. That was all thanks to her. Now was the perfect time to show her just how much she means to him.

When they first met, they spoke about places they wanted to go. Tamara had mentioned wanting to go to Los Angeles at some point. She wanted to lay on the golden sand... Well this is LA.

They were on their way there. Dean was driving and keeping it secret the place they were going. Out of nowhere (Not an RKO, sorry peeps) Tamaras phone started to ring. The Shields theme of course. There is no better ring tone.

"Hey Ro. How's you and Seth?"

"We're... We're good... but..."

"But what? Roman what's going on?"

"It's... Sami. He's gone missing."

"What?! Fuck no! Who saw him last?"

"Adrian. They had a little arguement. He's going crazy with worry. He's thinking he'll never see him again, especially after what he said."

"You thinking it was him, aren't you?"

"Yeah. If he has then I don't know how we're going to find him. I don't know if there's any special place he'd go to. I was hoping Dean would be ok to help. I know this is the last thing he really needs but Sami's life is at stake here. There's no grey area, we need Dean's help. I can't let Adrian down."

"We'll pull over and I'll ask. We'll meet you there."

"Thank you Tam. You're like wonderwoman you know."

"I didn't but I do now. Talk to you in a few."

"Ok, bye."


"What's going on? I heard something about Sami."

"I can't tell you while driving. We need to pull over."

"Oh shit. Now I'm worried."

Ten minutes of complete silence before they could pull over.

"What's up with Sami?"

"He's gone missing..."

"No... Sam... Sami... You think..."

"Yeah... With how everything has been, I don't think Sami would just forget to text or call. Something is wrong. Sami... he could be..."



"This is so fucked up. We have to find him."

"Is there anywhere special you and Solomon used to hang out?"

"There's a few. Where our first match together was, the place we met. The place we got together to rebuild and live together."

"Adrian did say that he wanted his Moxley back."

"The place I got the call from WWE from. We were at the old barn we bought. We were going to knock it down and build this huge place."

"I guess we should start there. Is there somewhere he could hide him there?"

"Yeah. Damn. I'm sorry Sami."

"It's not your fault Dean. Don't blame yourself."

"Let Rome know where to drive to. Also, they don't go in till I get there. If he wants Moxley, he'll get Mox. No one tries to hurt my friends."

Sami's Pov

My head hurts. My ribs hurt. Well, basically everything hurts. It feels like forever since I saw Adrian. My best friend. I'm sorry I walked out in the middle of our arguement. We shouldn't have been arguing. I'm sorry. I just want to see you again.

In they come again. Batista and Kane. My beating. I guess it's every three hours or something. They bring me food, shortly after they beat the shit out of me. I then throw up. My throat stings after. I haven't seen my real captors face yet, I was jumped from behind. I know who it is though. Solomon... Solomon Crowe.

Solomons Pov

I must say this is rather fun. I complete control. I have Sami in that room. A camera set up in there so I can see his sorry face, begging and begging for us to stop. Sorry, not just yet. I still need to have more fun. That hole inside me isn't quite full yet. It needs more, lots more. I'm so sorry Sami, I guess you need to suffer even more. I wish I could say I was being completely sincere with my apology but... I'm not.

There's only one person that will ever fund us Sami. Only one person in this world who will figure out where we are and that is Dean. Let me tell you this, that won't happen for a long time yet. Your sorry ass belongs to me now. I'm sure we'll enjoy our time together. I'm having a great time Sami, I really hope you are too.

Everything is in my hands. Sami, you fate rests in my hands. I'm sure I'll cast judgment soon, until then, you're my bitch!

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