Chapter 29 - Messing Around Backstage

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On this week's Raw, there was going to be a tag match. Dean and Seth v Randy Orton and Kane. This would be the main event. Nobody had any promos or interviews so they arrived a little later than usual.


"What's up Dean?" Seth asked.

"I'm hungry."

"Dude, you're always hungry."

"What? I like to eat." Dean pouted.

"C'mon Dean. If Ninja Seth wants to be mean then we'll just go to catering ourselves." Tamara winked.

"Fine then. I don't need to eat anyway." Seth winked.

"Let's go then."

"Make sure your back in 45. We go out in an hour." Roman said.

"We will mother." Dean cheekily replied.

"Good son. Look after that lunatic for us."

"I will."

"Go get your food then." Dean started to run off, he wanted his food.

"Wait for me!! See you soon." Tamara shouted and ran after her man.

She finally caught up with him and jumped on his back, wrapping her arms around his neck. He started to spin around in circles.

"Woah. Stop Dean!"

"Say please!"

"Please!!" He did. Their hands joined together as they walked into catering.

"I love your banter with the boys."


"Yeah, it's quite adorable. Hilarious too. Glad I have the funniest one though." Dean laughed.

"I am a comedian."

"Just don't quite your day job, just in case it doesn't work out." Dean slapped Tamaras butt.

"I'll have no more of that, miss cheeky. If there is then I'll just have to do it again." A smirk grew on her face.

"Go on then." She winked. He again slapped her butt, but a little bit harder.

"Ouch. That was mean."

"Maybe it was. Can I treat you to some lunch? It's all well prepared, all you can eat. This is my apology." He said winking.

"I suppose. What shall we have? What do you fancy?"


"Anything else?"


"You smooth motherfucker."

"I know. You love it."

"I do. Now, what other food? We don't have long."

"We'll just have to make the most of it."

"Dean, stop it. What do want to eat?"


"Don't call me a chicken."

"I wasn't silly. I want some chicken." He added the chicken and reached for the fries.

"I'll have some of those too."

They sat down, enjoying their meal. Tamara kept stealing Dean's fries.

"Girl. I am warning you. Don't steal my fries."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"People get hurt."

"Oooooooooooooo, I'm scared of the Lunatic Fringe."

"I would be."

"Make me." She said teasingly.

"I warned you, what happens next is all your fault."

"Come on then." She replied as she grabbed another fry.

"That's it!" He got up and grabbed her and gently threw her over his shoulder. He then started to run around backstage.

"Dean! Put me down!"

"Nope." He continued to run until he saw Sheamus.

"Having fun there fella?"

"Yep. She kept stealing my fries so this is her punishment. This is my girlfriend, Tamara." She waved.

"A tip for me'lady. Never steal Dean's food. Well, unless you like this happening." She giggled as she broke free and started to run.

"Hey! Get back here cheeky. See you later Sheamo!"

"Later fella, have fun."

Tamara was a good distance in front of Dean but he closed that gap quickly. He caught her and started to spin her around once more.

"And where did you think you were going huh?"

"Away from you."

"Why, I'm so lovable?"

"That you are."

"I'm glad you agree. Just so you know, your totally adorable too. My lovable little pumpkin."

"Awwwww, I love you baby."

"I love you even more."

Deans phone began to ring and he finally answered it.

"You coming back tonight?"

"Yeah, didn't realise the time, woops. We're on our way now. We got carried away."

"Don't give me the details, anyway, don't be long."

"We won't. Bye." Roman cut off.

"Right, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice."

"Hmmm, hard way."

"Ok, this is your fault." He put her over his shoulder once more and ran towards the locker room. As soon as they could see the door, Dean shouted for it to be opened. Luckily it was opened just in time.

"We're back." Dean said as he stopped in the room. He put Tamara down gently.

"Have fun then?" Seth asked.


"We've been running around like that for the last twenty minutes."

"Why?" Roman asked this time.

"She was stealing my food." Seth and Roman laughed.

"I know not to steal his food anymore. We ran into Sheamus, well not literally."

"He told you then."

"Yep." Seth chuckled.

"I guess we should head to the steps. See you soon pumpkin. Love you."

"Love you too. I'll be watching. Tear the house down."

"Don't we always?" Dean said with a cocky tone.

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