Chapter 11 - Bringing Back Our Lunatic Fringe and True Feelings

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*Quick note. Dean is a legend when he is drunk. Hope you like it. I wanted to had some comedy in and this was the perfect place. Hope you like it.*

They weren't out long looking for Dean. It seemed he was on his way back, he was definetley a little drunk. He couldn't walk in a straight line.



"Come here you twat."

"I... I.. di...didn't do... no..nothin.. I'm... just.. freeeeeee."

"Dude you are drunk."

"So? I aaam druuuunk and I... I... fuuuc....fucking looove it."

"C'mon back, lets get you back to normal. Well, whatever that is."

"Shhhhhh. Bob has a headache."

"Who is Bob?"


"Dean, thats a line."

"No, its Bob."

"C'mon Dean, lets go."

"What about Bob?"

"He'll be fine. Talk to him tomorrow."

"Fine. Byeee Bobbieeeee! I love you!"

They soon returned with Dean.

"You're back then?"

"Back where?"

"Can you get him a coffee please?"

"Sobering up eh?"


"Right, one very strong coffee coming up."

Dean intially resisted drinking any, well that was until Roman practically forced it down his throat. He soon fell asleep. (Again. Dean loves his sleep.)

It was the next morning, Dean regreted drinking as much as he did. He had a really bad headache. The other three were already awake.

"Morning guys." He spoke barely above a whisper.

"MORNING DUMB FUCK!" Solomon shouted.

"SSHHHHHHHHHHHH. My head hurts."

"Oh, Bob is fine."

"Who's Bob?"

"Your new friend."


"The line on the road outside. You called it Bob and you said he had a headache?"

"I have fucking lost it."

"You lost it years ago Dean."

"True Solomon."

"Well this is what happens when you go drinking when you shouldn't." Seth said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that."

"Forget about it."

"No, it shouldn't have happened. Its not fair on you. I shouldn't have spoke to you like that."

"Its ok Dean, we shouldn't have been so pushy."

"Yes you should. I had no right to speak to you like that. I'm so sorry."

"We accept the apology D. We got you."

"Thanks guys. I love you."

"We love you too." Dean and Roman shared a hug.

"Awwww, look at this Solomon. Look at this cute couple." Solomon giggled.

"Awww, it Ambreigns."

"Seth, not again."

"Yes Dean, oh yes."

"Shut up tit fuck."


"You got anymore names floating around in that weird head of yours?"

"Yep, but its for me and Roman." he winked at Roman.

"You dirty beasts."

"I know. We enjoy it though."

"I bet you do."

"Yep, wanna know what we're called?"

"Not really, but you're gonna tell me anyway aren't you?"

"Yep. We're Rolleigns." Dean laughed.

"You see, this is why I don't like the internet."

"Its funny though."


"People think we are that close we want to fuck each other."

"Well, we kinda are that close. As brothers. I love you all."

"Dean... I never knew you felt that way."

"Shut up Roman. You three guys, you're all I have. I don't ever want to lose any of you. Promise me none of you will ever stab me in the back."

"D, you know I won't. Yeah, we bicker. We let it out and get over it. I love you too much to ever hurt you like that."

"I second what Roman said. I could never do that to you. My brother. I love you. My best friend. I won't ever do that to you."

"Thanks you two."

"They said it perfect Mox. You know I wouldn't. I couldn't. Not after what we have been through." Solomon added.

"It means a lot to hear that guys. I won't ever do the same to you. " Dean said. Unaware his friend who he had known for so long was lying through his teeth, he was already betraying him. How could it be put? Hmmmm. Here. He was selling out!

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