Chapter 44 - Sami Is Back... And The Shield?

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It's been a month. A long month. It felt like the longest month ever. Sami had been in that coma for a month now. Finally though, today the doctors would be reducing the sedation drugs that they had pumped into Sami. Today, finally he would wake up. That once still body, the once shell of a man would be filled once again. That bubbly guy, full of energy. He would be one step closer to being that guy again.

"I'm glad all six of you are here. Today we'll we be bringing Mr Zayn out of his coma today. I'm sure my nurses kept you updated with Sami's progress over this past month so I'll just say his stomach healed a lot quicker than we expected. His throat was a different story, that took a lot longer to heal. It is common for the throat to heal slower because of its sensitivity. I am glad to say now it has healed enough for us to allow him to wake up."

"So he will be ok?" Adrian asked, holding Sami's hand.

"Yes. He should make a full recovery. He didn't attract any infections that could have delayed hid recovery. I'm very pleased with him. I'll send a few nurses in to start the process of waking Mr Zayn up."

"Thank you. Thank you doctor, for everything."

"No problem Mr Neville, you'll just have to let Mr Zayn know he can't talk much. Not for a few days at least."

"I'll grab him plenty of paper. He's quite the chatterbox sometimes isn't he?"

"He is Dean. Thanks again doc."

"I'll send the nurses in now. It's 11am now so hopefully the process will be done and Mr Zayn awake roughly by 3 or 4pm. Your all welcome. I'll see you all soon." With that, the doctor left.

"I think we should get some stuff to liven the place up for Sami." Dean suggested.

"Yeah, get some balloons, some flowers. Stuff like that." Tamara said.

"That would be perfect." Adrian said with a smile.

"I know something Sami might like." Seth said with a smile.

"What's that Seth?"

"Well, he was getting his first action figure made wasn't he? He was really excited with it. Maybe we could get one for him and suprise him with it."

"That would be perfect."

"I can go get all that stuff now." Tamara volunteered.

"I'll come with you babe."

"Ok, we better go now to make sure we get back in time for when he wakes up."

"Ok, see you soon guys."

"See you."

A few hours later things were set up perfectly. The flowers set up in vases, a few balloons set up. Most importantly, they had found Sami's figure. The one thing he couldn't wait to own. Now it was his.

The time is about 2:30pm. Adrian had his hand rested on Sami's arm. Just a flicker, a slight movement was all Adrian wanted. His wish. His friend, all he wanted was for his friend to wake up. Everything to be normal again, before all this drama happened. People would wish for cars, money, fame. Adrian and the rest of these guys, their wish would be for Sami to be ok. They'd give anything for that to happen.

Out of nowhere, a finger twitched. Nobody noticed it initially. Adrian lightly rubbed Sami's arm then looking down at his hand. Again his finger twitched. It was a small movement but it meant so much.

"GET THE DOCTOR!" Adrian shouted. Roman darted out of the room to get him. Sami's leg twitched too this time along with a couple of his fingers. Roman returned within a minute with the doctor. "His leg and fingers started twitching."

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