Chapter 14 - Consequences

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It was now Monday. Time for Raw.

"We're starting the show tonight. Solomon you ok bud?"

"Yeah, little nervous."

"Why? You did fine on Smackdown. Hunter, isn't it? Ignore what he said."

"Yeah, I know. It is my first live show aswell. First Raw.

"You'll rock it bud. You always do. We got your back anyway. You got this."

"Thanks Dean. One question for you all. Who was the most nervous when you made your debut at Surviour Series?"

"Dean, he was constantly pacing until we got out there. He was a nervous wreck."

"No I wasn't Seth, shut up."

"You we're dude. You rushed to the toilet five times before we went out."

"Shut up."


"No." Dean replied as he went a little red and looked at his feet.

"Don't worry Dean, I've already been six times. Shit. I gotta go again. Two secs."

Just as Solomon returned it was time for them to go out there.

"Good timing, we're about to go out."

"Shit. Right, game face." Solomon acted slighly panicked.

"It'll be ok. We got you Crowe."

"Thanks Roman."

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. Shield. All four men came through the audience, the WWE universe went crazy for their favourite faction.

"One week Hunter. One week and I'll be back. Better than ever. There is one thing that the Shield has that Evoultion will NEVER have. Trust and loyalty. See I know for a fact that these three men stood in this ring with me right now would never ever stab me in the back. It goes back the same way too. I would never stab them in the back either. Jealousy got the better of you didn't it Hunter? Randy won your title that you lost and what did you do? You stabbed him in the back. How did it feel Randy? Must have felt good because you went back for a second date. I must say that was loyalty as its finest. Oh well." Hunters music came on and walked out onto the stage.

"Please stop with all this crap Dean. You're getting boring. Its all me, me, me, me, me. By the end of the night you will wish you had kept your mouth shut. Roman, Seth, Solomon. Your all in matches. 3 on 1 handicap matches, seperatley. Roman you will face Kane, Cesaro and Miz. Seth you will face Randy, Rusev and Curtis Axel. Solomon you will face Bray Wyatt, Ryback and... me!" He dropped the mic and left to go backstage. Not long after the four men got backstage aswell.

"Why is it your mouth always gets us into trouble?" Solomon shouted.

"What? The truth fucking hurts."

"Yeah its gonna hurt us aswell."

"Not scared are you?"

"No, why should I be?"

"First time on Raw. 3 on 1 handicap match? Not worrying are you?"

"Nah. Love them."

"Lying bastard."

"Not lying."

"Whatever... asshole."

"You're the asshole, you got us in this mess."

"Oh, sorry. Should I take your place so YOU don't get hurt, so then I'll have to spend more time out?"

"Me, me, me, me, me."

"Fuck off Solomon."

"What, truth hurts?"

"Your match is first... Break a leg. Literally."

"Whatever, I'll show you how it is done."

"Yeah whatever. Thats what you think!"

"Its not what I think. I know Dean."

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