Chapter 37 - Talking To Seth And Roman

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Tamaras POV

We're back at the hotel. Dean seems to be getting back to his old self. Cracking jokes all the time. Being a little cocky. It will take time to get there, it will happen one day. I don't expected it all to fall back to how it was before. He needs to adjust, his heart was broken by someone fear to him. He'll never be the same again, never fully over what happened but a little is better than none at all.

"Did you want bacon and eggs Tam?" He shouted to me. He's looking in the fridge for us to have for tea.

"Yeah but I'll cook it this time. We both remember what happened last time."

"I did try." He looked down at his feet, I know he tried... I kinda distracted him last time.

"I know sweetie. I just want to make sure we don't end up sick." Ouch, Tam that was mean.

"Ouch, that was mean." Seriously, I just thought that. We are weird.

"Maybe a little."

"A lot."

"Nah it was a little."

"Fine, just a little then."

"Good, now go grab your laptop and I'll cook everything up."

"Ok baby." He started to walk away. "Love you munchkin."

"Love you too lunatic."

Damn he is adorable. He's like a little puppy, totally cute. I'm lucky he gets to be my puppy, just don't tell him I thought that. I wouldn't change him for the world.

"How do you turn it on?" He asked.

"I'll show you after this. Eat up, it's something we can actually eat."


"I know." He started demolishing the food.

"Tam, this is gorgeous. You should cook more."

"I hope you'll pay me for it."

"Hugs and kisses ok?"

"Something more later?" I winked.

"Maybe. You might get lucky."

"Oh, I might get lucky. I make you your tea and I might get lucky? You sir are cheeky."

"I am."

No one's Pov

Fifteen minutes later, they were all finished up and had the laptop set up. Tamara showed Dean the basic of hoe to use a laptop. Dean and technology don't really get on. Tamara opened Skype up and Dean jumped from his seat.

"I-I... I can't do it." He started pacing, talking... muttering to himself.

"Dean. Calm down. It's ok." She stood up and held his shoulders.

"It's not ok. None of this is ok!"

"Don't you think I know that? I know all this shit isn't ok. I know this shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have to see the man I love get his heart ripped away by someone he considered a brother. That trust shouldn't be taken away by a completely selfish asshole. I'm pretty sure I know none of this is ok!"

"T- Tam."

"You know your not the only one suffering. Seth and Roman. They lost their brother when all this shit happened. The brother they love with all their hearts. He got ripped away from them. You should have seen Seth when he got back into the locker room while you were crying."

"What did he do?"

"I saw tears fall down his face as he ran back out because he couldn't bear to see you like that. He couldn't bear to his brother hurting so much. Roman stayed strong in front of Seth but as soon as he was asleep, Roman stepped out of where they were saying and cried his eyes out. He told me."

"They did?"

"Yeah, I don't know what it is but they both love your unstable ass." He giggled.

"I need to see them, talk to them."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I want to see my brothers."

"Ok, let's see if Roman can talk." Tamara pressed the call button as she sat back down with Dean sat next to her.

"So their faces will appear on the screen when they accept the call. Did you want to sit and talk to them first on your own?"

"Can.. Can you stay?"

"Of course." Romans face then appeared on the screen. Dean initially looked shocked, surprised that it actually worked.

"Hey guys." Roman said, smiling when he saw Dean.

"Can he hear me?"

"Yeah. Just talk like you would in a normal conversation. Face to face."

"Ohhhhhh. Hey Ro."

"Hey dude."

"How are you?"

"I'm ok. Little banged up, that's life though. How are you Dean?"

"I'm good... A step in the right direction. So, where is Seth?"

"In the shower. He'll be out soon."

"How has he been?"

"Honestly? Not the Seth we know. He's been quite. He gets a little upset sometimes but it's slowly stopping. He'll be ecstatic when he sees you. You're looking better Dean."


"Yeah. You look really good."

"Might be because we had food we could actually eat."

"Oh yeah. Let me guess, Tam cooked it."

"Ouch. You two are so mean to me."

"I know, I'm sorry. What did she cook?"

"Bacon and eggs. Tam is the best cook ever."

"Well, when you come back, maybe she can cook for us."

"I'm right here guys. I can hear you two. Who said I wouldn't cook for you?"

"Would you cook us one meal?"

"Maybe just one."

"Thank you." He hugged her. Seth emerged from the bathroom and looked at Romans screen.

"Dean? Dean, is that you?" Dean broke the hug with Tamara and looked at the screen.

"Seth." Both men smiled.

"Dean. Hey."

"Sethie, I've missed you."

"I missed you more. It's not been the same without you."

"I know. I'll be back soon."

"How long? I miss my lunatic bro."

"A few weeks?"

"Ok. Well I hope they go by really fast, I can't wait to see you both again."

"Me too. I just need to sort out my head a little more."

"Well don't get lost in there."

"I won't I promise. What's happening with you guys then? What going on on Raw?"

"Solomons been gloating. Saying he destroyed The Shield."

"When I get my hands on him." Dean began to get angry.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Tamara said.

"Tam is right." Roman said.

"How's Sami and Adrian been?"

"They've been put through hell too."

"He knows why. I told him."

"When I come back, we'll go after him and the authority."

"Sounds like a plan. We gotta go. Smackdown tapings."

"Kick ass for me."

"We will. Get yourself sorted and come back."

"I will. I love you guys."

"We love you too."

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