Chapter 32 - The Last Phonecall

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Its now Monday. Two hours before Monday Night Raw. Over the last month, the Shield, including Solomon have built an unbelievably close bond with one another. If course they bickering lots, that's what they do. That's how the show their brotherly love for one another. They fought over stupid stuff but that's what brings them together. Everything was perfect.

"Hey guys!" Seth shouted to get everyone's attention. "I got a text from Sami." He said quieter.

"You always have to shout, don't you?"

"Yep." Seth replied with a huge grin on his face.

"What's he said?" Solomon asked. He was curious. Sami knew of his plans, he had to know there was no chance of the three finding out his secret.

"Him and Adrian are coming to Raw tonight. It's gonna be great seeing them again."

"Sweet, when are they getting here?"

"About an hour."

"Can't wait to see them again." Dean said with a huge smile.

Half an hour of laughs had passed as Solomons phone began to ring... again.

"Sorry, I gotta take this. Won't be long."

"Sure, go." Dean said, clearly getting pissed off with all the phone calls.

*Down the corridor*

"Hey Hunter."

"Solomon. You ok to go ahead with our plan tonight?"

"I thought it was going to be the Raw after Battleground?"

"No. Change of plan. I want them gone. I want The Shield gone, tonight. This Raw it will happen."

"This Raw. Right ok. Is everything the same then? How it all goes down?"

"Yes. Nothing else changes just the timing. Tonight it will happen. Destruction of The Shield." There was a long pause. "Solomon, you still there?"

"Yeah. No problem. I was just thinking of the good times me and Dean have spent together."

"Forget that. This will further your career, not Dean. This is why we're doing this. I help you, you help me."

"You're right. I can't wait to get away from them really, they make me sick."

"Remember that feeling when it all happens. I'll inform all involved of the plan."

"Ok. It's goodbye to the Shield."

"The last time we'll see them all together."

"I better get going. I'm glad this is the last time, I think they were getting a little suspicious of me and all the phone calls."

"Perfect timing then. Anyway get ready. It happens tonight."

"I can't wait. Later Hunter." He made his way back to the locker room. Unknown to him, Sami and Adrian had again overheard his conversation.

"I have to do something."

"Sami... No. Remember what he said. I can't lose you."

"But we can't let this happen."

"I know."

"I have this conversation and the other one. "

"I hate you Sami."

"I know."

"This will kill Dean."

"That's why I need to do this. I need to stop this from happening."

"Why would anyone do something like this?"

"Greed. Quicker way to get to the top of the company. It's sick. Stab your friend, your brother in the back just to rise to the top faster."

"You gonna play the recording in front of them all or what?"

"I wanna take Seth and Roman aside. Play it to them."

"Ok. I'll keep Dean and it busy."

"Let's do this. Let's save the Shield."

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