Chapter 30 - Adjustments

Start from the beginning

"Ready?" he asked when they finally wrapped up.

"I am so ready. I have had my fill of your admirer today." He laughed and led me to the exit. There was a car waiting when we slipped out the back door. As usual, there was a group of fans waiting to catch a glimpse of him. They did not expect to see me too. The crowd called our names and cheered. We waved back to them and ducked into the back seat. We headed to the company building where he would spend the next few hours.

We called ahead and ordered pizza to be delivered to the practice room. It wasn't exactly a romantic dinner for two, but I would take what I could get. Minhyuk seemed to be busier now than before we were married. I thought I would see more of him, seeing as how we were living under the same roof. I thought I knew what I was getting into, but it seems maybe I overestimated the situation. I knew he was planning to slow down, but I also knew that was not going to happen immediately. At least we had every night together in our own bed, compared to sleep overs at either Halmeoni's or the dorm 2 or 3 nights a week.

I kept these thoughts to myself because I did not want to make him feel bad or pressured to spend more time with me. Once the gallery opened, I would be pretty busy myself, so in time we would adjust. It was just a little harder to deal with it than I had expected. I was looking forward to the few days we were taking for a short honeymoon. He promised a longer one as soon as we could get away again. And besides, he said he was going to slow down. That was going to take some time though. I just needed to be patient.

We arrived at the practice room just ahead of the pizza. Minhyuk had ordered enough for everyone and we all gathered to eat and laugh together. Aside from solo projects, they were all busy with their own projects. Hyungwon was busy filming his drama, Joohoney and Changkyun were in the studio together working on their next comeback, which was to be completely produced by Monsta X, and Kihyun, Wonho, and Shownu had their own food show. They traveled around and tried different food then came home and tried to recreate it. Shownu was the judge of the results. This was the first time the eight of us had been all together for a meal in a while.

I just watched as they played and goofed around with each other. Min was bouncing around like an excited puppy, bossing everyone around, and it made me giggle. I could tell they missed being together. This was beautiful chaos. They had spent the past 10 years under the same roof so this had been a big adjustment for them as well. It was surprising that no one had moved out yet but being together strengthened their bond and their relationships. It was probably one of the reasons they had become so successful in their career.

I felt a bit guilty that I had changed that dynamic and it must have shown on my face because Changkyun came over and put his arm around me and asked what was wrong. The others then became interested as well. I was on the spot now and had to answer.

"I messed this up, didn't I?" I voiced my thoughts.

"What do you mean? Messed what up?" Wonho asked.

"This..." I gestured to all of them together. "I messed up this thing that you guys have. You are not together now like you were. I kinda feel a little guilty getting in the middle of it."

"Princess, you did not mess anything up," Minhyuk stood up and walked over in front of me. He squatted down and took my hands in his. The others agreed. "This was going to happen eventually. And sooner or later we will all have our own lives. You did not change anything. This was my choice, to be with you. And I would make it again... I would make it a thousand times."

"I said I feel a little guilty... not completely guilty. It is my turn to be with you now." I winked at him and he laughed.

"I think it is nice. It is much quieter around here now," Kihyun interjected and everyone started laughing. Minhyuk ran to Kihyun and hugged him so tight he squealed.

"You know you miss me!" he laughed as Kihyun struggled to get free.

"Okay! Okay! maybe I miss you a little... but only a little." Minhyuk was happy with that answer and let him go. "I still see you every day though, probably more than your lovely new bride does."

"You got that right!" I agreed vehemently. "I see him at night when he falls into bed, after he talks to his other girls." 7 curious pairs of eyes fell on me. "Monbebes... of course I am talking about Monbebes." I felt a collective sigh and then heard giggles because they thought it was funny. I didn't. I admit I was struggling a bit with the whole married to a celebrity thing. It wasn't everything I had dreamed of. I had started feeling a bit jealous of Monbebes, and then feeling guilty for being jealous of the thing that drives them. It was a vicious cycle and it made me dizzy.

"Monbebe is part of us. They are what keeps us going," Wonho commented from the other side of the room, crossing his arms over his chest as if he were hugging the fandom.

"Yeah, I know Bunny, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept. I know our fandom is the best fandom. But I feel like they see him more than I do. But, if I have to share him, I am glad it is with Monbebes." I smiled and stroked Minhyuk's face. I did not want him to know how much it had been bothering me. There was nothing he could do about it and making him feel guilty was not something I wanted to do. I would learn to deal with it and adjust. This was all so new to us both. We were still learning how to live together and how to make time for each other. But damn it, I wanted to be with my husband!

After we finished eating, it was time for them to go practice. Minhyuk asked if I would like to hang out and watch. I said I would stay for a little while, but I did not want to be a distraction. He tried to make me believe that I would not be, but I knew better. He would be focused on impressing me instead of his choreography.

Joohoney had played some of the songs for me and I had heard Minhyuk practicing his parts at home, but this was the full experience. Watching him move like this, seeing him sweat, and catching the little sexy looks he would send my way made me feel a certain way... one I would have to demonstrate to him later.

I watched for quite some time and they finally stopped for a break. Minhyuk came over to me and asked how I liked it. I told him it was incredibly sexy and that it could possibly be my favorite choreo so far. I also whispered in his ear what it made me want to do. He gave me that sexy tongue-at-the-side-of-his-mouth smile. He was standing between my knees with his hands resting on my thighs. Just that slight contact was enough to light that fire, or in this case fan it higher. I slid one leg behind his calf and pulled him a little closer. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. He brushed my hair behind my ear and winked at me. I wanted to have him right there, but we were at the company and that would have been unacceptable.

Changkyun appeared at Min's side and nudged him. "Time to go back, Hyung. Noona, you look tired. You should go to bed."

My first thought was, I am trying... but instead I said, "I am tired, but not as tired as you guys." Minhyuk stroked my cheek and told me it was okay to go on home and rest. "I will be okay. I can sleep in a little tomorrow."

"Princess, I don't want you getting sick or run down. Go on home and rest. I will be along soon, I promise." He gave me his winky blink and I melted. "I will have someone drive you so that you don't have to get a taxi this late." I began to protest again, and he put a finger against my lips. Instinctively, I kissed it and he winked.

I realized that resistance was futile and gave in. The guys all said bye and Minhyuk walked me to the elevators. He gave me a quick kiss before sending me on my way. It was a short ride to the apartment. The driver dropped me at the front, and I took the elevator to our floor. I decided a nice swim would be just the thing to help me relax. 

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