Chapter 66 - Remy

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The next few weeks flew by, and Remy's debut date was finally on us. His debut single had exploded on the charts, and we were in the green room waiting for his debut showcase on Music Bank. Remy's mother was not able to travel, so they Face Timed her before he went on. She was so excited that she was crying. Remy started to tear up too, so the guys jumped in and got him back on track. He hung up with a promise to do his absolute best.

Everyone was nervous. Everyone was excited. Remy appeared to be the most calm of them all, but I could see that he was just as nervous and trying to hide it. Joohoney was like a worried mother, fussing over his outfit, his hair, his mic, basically everything. Kiki helped him warm up, and Min was bouncing around like the hyper puppy he is, making Remy more anxious.

I could see Remy's anxiety increasing, and the cool demeanor he had been displaying was fading. He was getting too anxious, so I reached out and grabbed Min's hand and pulled him to me. I kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, "Jagi, please calm down. You are upsetting Remy."

He looked surprised and then looked over to Remy. He looked back at me with that shy look and winked. His dimples made a quick appearance and I wanted to kiss them. He settled down after that. He was still full of energy, but he dialed it down about five notches. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Remy relax his shoulders ever so slightly and smile.

He had done a prerecorded performance, but he would also do a live one. It was time for the live showcase. I moved off to the side to let them have a moment before he was escorted to the stage. I couldn't hear what they said, but they were huddled up. A moment later they broke apart and cheered.

Moments later, Remy took his place on the stage. Fog from the smoke machines rolled in around him to conceal his position. The lights came up and he burst up out of the fog and began dancing and singing. The crowd was full of energy from his performance, and he was feeding off of them. It was a perfect synergy, just like a Monsta X show.

He was truly talented, there was no doubt. His voice went from silky smooth to gravely and rough when it needed to. He knew how to control the listener's emotions through his expressive tones and lyrics. His dancing was powerful and on point. This was my first time seeing him perform and I was impressed. I knew without a doubt they had a hit maker on their hands.

We watched the performance from backstage and cheered him on the whole time. The guys sat glued to the screen as Remy burned up the stage. He was definitely a showman. I felt they had chosen wisely, and I knew their company was going to be successful. Any hidden doubt I may have had was washed away in that moment.

After he finished his performance, he came back to the room and was greeted like a champion. They all gathered around him in a giant group hug, bouncing and cheering. I just watched with a smile on my face. The baby was even excited. She was kicking and moving like crazy. I was holding my stomach because she kept pushing into one spot and it was uncomfortable. Min saw and broke free from the celebration to come check on me.

"Is everything alright, Jagi?" he asked with a concerned tone.

"Yes, everything is fine, but your daughter dancing around in there tonight," I whispered. He smiled and put his hand where mine was. He felt her move and smiled at me. "She is definitely going to be like her daddy. Hyper as F," I laughed as his smile grew bigger. Wonho noticed our exchange and came over. He asked if he could feel the baby move. Of course, I said yes. Who could say no to the cutest bunny ever?

His expression always made me smile. He looked so amazed at what he felt. Soon the others joined in. It seemed every time we were all together, they had to take turns feeling the baby move. I didn't mind at all. This was my family and I wanted to share with them. Remy was part of the family now too. He sheepishly asked if he could feel too. I grinned and nodded yes.

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