Chapter Thirty- Three

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For Dr. Alaunus, touching the sides, backs, and other places on shirtless or near-naked patients was normal. However, Boscha was not used to people touching her bare skin or examing her while she was shirtless.

Needless to say, When the doctor said she could put her shirt back on, she rushed to do so. She was thankful that it was over.

The doctor, who Boscha now knew as Sirona, Had told the young witch somethings of her past. In return, the potion witch opened up slightly about herself. Not much, of course.

The trading of information did help make the situation a little less uncomfortable for Boscha. It also made her fear the doctor less.

Sirona told the younger witch that she wasn't to participate in physical exercise for a few days, for she had two broken ribs. Though magic did indeed help with the healing process, it could never fully heal broken bones; that was the body's job. The magic used to help heal bones only speeds up the process tremendously. Healing the bones completely with magic can cause adverse side effects.

"You seem rather tired, Boscha. I advise you to rest a bit." Dr. Alaunus smiled softly.

"Okay." The three-eyed witch reluctantly responded.

With one last warm smile and a gentle wave goodbye, The doctor left the bedroom. She walked into the living room, where both Mr.Parks were sitting on the couch.

"Good morning again, Gentlemen."

Both men stood from the couch, smiling slightly.

"Good morning to you again, Sirona. How is she?" Mr. P asked with slight concern.

"She has two broken ribs that should be fully healed in a few days. However, I couldn't do anything for her back." Taking in a deep breath, she continues, "I suggest that you two look into a Mental Healer. I know one that may be helpful for her." She slips a business card out of her pocket, handing it to Mr. P.

"Dr. Lazarus Talveraz." He speaks the name then nods. "We'll look into it."

"Alright, you two have a wonderful day." With one last caring smile, she walks out the front door.

The two men in the living room look over the card.

"She isn't wrong; Boscha could really use a certified therapist." Mr. Park sighs.

"I agree, sometimes professional help is needed. Especially in such traumatizing and scarring cases like this."

"Then shall we call him?"

"I think we should look further into it, yes, but let's not be hasty."


Boscha was lying in bed, looking up at the ceiling. She didn't want to sleep. She wanted to do something else, anything else.

Unable to shut her eyes, the three-eyed witch got out of bed. She changed into a pair of jeans and a canary yellow t-shirt. She knew that Willow's fathers wouldn't allow her to do much of anything today.

With a long, tired sigh, she left the room. She walked down the hall silently. Upon entering the living room, she saw both Mr. Parks and a man she didn't recognize. He was a slender man with pale blue eyes and white hair.

"So the girl is traumatized because of her past home life? What is her name?"

"Boscha." Mr. P told him.

"Then I suppose you men have something to do with the destruction of their manor?" His emotions were unreadable from Boscha's position.

It sounded like the men were about to be in trouble.

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