Chapter Thirty-Seven

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After Willow had promised never to leave Boscha, they quickly changed subjects. They asked each other random questions.

Willow learned that Boscha's favorite color was yellow, canary-yellow to be precise, but she also liked colors like purple and turquoise. She found out that if Boscha were to be in multiple tracks, she would choose Potion, Plant, Illusion, and Construction.

The plant-witch was somewhat surprised to find out she would be in those specific tracks. She liked the idea of sharing another class with the potion-witch.

Boscha had learned that Willow had no favorite color. She liked all colors, for plants came in multitudes of colors. The plant witch explained she wasn't interested in being in multiple tracks, but if she had to pick another track, she'd pick construction.

"Hey, Boscha?" She went to ask another question, but she found that the three-eyed witch was unresponsive.

The plant witch listened for a moment, listening to the soft sound of Boscha's breathing, feeling each breath sweep across her neck. She smiled slightly, happy that the potion witch had gone back to sleep. However, Willow knew the strange position she was being forced to sleep in would mean a lot of neck and back pain in the morning.

She sighed softly before closing her eyes and allowing sleep to take hold.


Luckily neither girl had another night terror. Unluckily, Willow was correct about the neck and back pain. She groaned slightly, tilting and turning her head to diminish the stiffness.

It was unsurprising to the plant-witch that Boscha was reluctant to fully wake up. The cuddly girl never seemed to be ready to leave the warmth that was provided to her.

The three-eyed witch nuzzled closer to Willow.

"Good morning."

The potion-witch growled inaudible words against her neck, causing her to chuckle.

"I have no clue what you just said, but we need to wake up."

She growled out another string of words that couldn't be understood. Willow sighed in defeat, knowing she wasn't going to get the stubborn witch to move.

"Fifteen more minutes, then we're getting up. Well, I am." The plant witch huffed with slight annoyance.

"Fine..." Boscha grumbled in response.

Those fifteen minutes passed far too fast for Boscha. Before she knew it, she was sitting on the couch alone while Willow prepared them breakfast.

"What're we having?" The pink-haired witch asked curiously.

"Eggs and toast."

The potion-witch had come to realize that the food made here, though not half as expensive, tasted better than what she ate back at her home.


This was her home now. That manor had never been her home. She had lived there, but she could never consider it home. Home is where the heart is. Her heart was never there.

She shook her head, bringing herself back to the present. How in the titan's name did her mind travel there. She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the breakfast in the kitchen.

A hand grabs her shoulder, and she opens her eyes back up. Willow stood with a look of concern.

"Are you okay?" That concern that was expressed across her features laced itself into her voice.

The pink-haired witch smiled slightly. "I'm okay, thanks to your dads, our friends, and you." She closed her eyes once again, taking another deep breath. "I'm safe, I'm loved, and I feel more at home than I ever have."

"You feel more at home because you are home, Boscha."

She opened her eyes again and locked eyes with her friend.

Willow placed a plate of food on the coffee table that the three-eyed witch hadn't even noticed she was holding.

Willow sat on the couch, facing the potion-witch. "I'm glad you're starting to realize you are safe and loved here."

Boscha hugged the plant-witch tightly. "I'm not used to being loved. Please... don't ever stop loving me." Her voice held so much pain that it made Willow's heartache.

"I would never stop loving you. I already promised I wouldn't turn my back on you." She hugs her back.


Three days pass. Willow's fathers had started to bring in their school work, so they wouldn't fall behind. Most sensitive topics had been avoided, but occasionally they'd get on one. It always ended with a lot of cuddles.

Willow and Boscha were currently sitting on the couch studying when there was a knock on the door.

The plant-witch stood from the couch and opened the front door.

"Guess who brought y'all's homework today?!" Luz exclaimed happily.

Behind her were Amity and Gus.

"Thanks, you guys. Come on in."

None of them had visited yet, so it was nice to have them here now.

Willow turned to the couch and couldn't help but smile. Boscha's blue-gray orbs shone brightly, a big, childish smile spread across her face. Her excitement was clear.

All three newly-arrived friends entered the house. The pink-haired witch fidgeted slightly, wanting so badly to jump up and hug her friends. She was indeed in need of hugs and cuddles after the long exhausting study session Willow decided they should do.

Luz sensed the need for affection and placed the homework on the table. She gave Boscha a big hug, which she gladly returned. Once they separated from the hug, the Latina turned to Willow with an excusing stare.

"How dare you touch starve the bab!"

"Trust me, there has been a lot of physical affection between those two." Mr. P chuckled as he walked into the kitchen. "I'm glad you three came to visit. Are y'all hungry?"

"Wish I was! You're cooking is amazing, Mr. P!" Luz exclaimed.

"I'm good, sir." Amity politely declined.

"Well, you kids come tell me when you're hungry, and I'll make y'all something."

"Will do!" Gus smiled.

The man nodded, making his husband and himself an energy drink before walking back to his room.

"Sooooo, exactly how affectionate have you two been getting?" Luz asked with a smug look on her face.

Willow picked up a pillow that was on the couch, throwing it at the Latina. "We just cuddle. Nothing major."

"Nothing major? Luz and I are dating, and we don't cuddle together that much." Amity smirked.

"You know you want to cuddle with her more, and you would if the two of you lived together." The plant-witch countered.

The Blight blushed darkly. "irrelevant!" Everyone laughed as she hid her blush. 
Sorry to say, but this is the last chapter for a while. Today was my last day with my computer and I won't be able to access the platform I write Changes and Chances on. 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I hope this hiatus doesn't last too long. I will remain to update Monster since I don't need a computer to access the platform I write that on. I hope y'all have a wonderful day! Know you all are loved!

Words- 1065
Published- 1/11/21

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