Chapter Sixteen

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The two girls made it to the school just as the doors had opened, meaning they only had about an hour to get what they needed to do finished.

The energy from the drink earlier that morning had mostly worn off, leaving Boscha as tired as she'd been before she drank it. The girl forced herself to stay upright and help Willow out.

It was all going well. They were pulling weeds, trimming plants, watering them, and so on. Willow had told Boscha which plants to avoid, which she did. Willow had explained so many of the plants to the potion track witch. She told her what they can all be used for and the different meanings some of the plants had.

Boscha had listened to everything Willow said. She was fascinated with the knowledge the plant witch shared with her. There were some plants she had already known since they had used them in potions class.

Perhaps she should ask principal bump if she can do what a select few students are doing. Mixing magic. Potions track and Plant track. She shook it out of her head. She was not going to do that. She was already having a hard time pulling through potions class now.

Tired and deep in thought, Boscha tripped on her own two feet and fell forward. Her arm slammed into a prickly plant. This plant, as Willow had explained, had thousands of needles poking out of it. They were thin but sharp as razors.

They easily went into the skin. These needles came out of the plant easily. Boscha pulled her arm back, tears brimming in her eyes.

There were tons of these needles in her arm now. Just as Willow had told her, all the ones pulled from the plant grew back before Boscha could see they were gone.

Willow had her back turned and didn't see it happen. She finished what she was doing and turned around.

"So, now w- BOSCHA!" The plant which all but screamed her friend's name as she ran over to her.

The potion track witch had already pulled several of the needles out of her arm. She was still trying hard not to cry.

"Why didn't you say anything!" She got a pair of tweezers and a tray from a small storage cabinet. She made her way back over to her friend.

"Cause you were busy. I could take care of it myself." She grumbled in response.

Willow sighed, "I- I know you can." She grabbed her hand gently and raised her arm, "But I'm worried about you. One second, you're smiling and happy the next, you're crying your eyes out. Your emotions seem all over the place, and you won't talk or ask for help."

Silence fell over them as Willow used the tweezers to remove the needles in Boscha's arm.

The potion track witch flinched every now and then, but for the most part, she stayed relatively still.

As Willow pulled out the final needle, three familiar faces walked into the greenhouse: Luz, Gus, and Amity.

"What happened?" Gus asked as he saw the little droplets of blood on the former bully's arm and the needles on the tray.

"I hit my arm against that the big ass plant behind me," Boscha grumbled, slightly embarrassed from her accident.

"At least you didn't have one almost eat you." Luz laughed.

"You were almost eaten?" Boscha raises a brow.

"Yeah, by that one." She points to a plant.

The three-eyed witch looked over to the large plant. It appeared to be a giant, unbloomed flower.

"Don't be fooled. It has teeth, a lot of teeth." The human shivered.

The former bully nodded, quivering uneasily at the thought of almost being eaten by a carnivorous plant.

"Hey, you doing okay?" Amity suddenly spoke. "You look rather tired."

Boscha looked up at her green-haired friend, "Y-yeah, I'm fine." Boscha waved her off.

"Are you sure? You look like you haven't slept." Amity pointed out.

"Y-eah, I'm sure! I've been sleeping fine, and I feel okay." The three-eyed witch smiled slightly.

"If something is wrong, you-" "We should probably get to class." The potion witch interrupted the Blight as she stood from the floor.

She attempted to walk out of the greenhouse, but Amity grabbed her by the wrist tightly.

"There is no use in running off! we have a first period and lunch with you!" The Blight narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Look, n-nothings wrong. Though, W-we need to get to class." The potion witch yanked her arm out of Amity's grasp and continued out the door.

"We do need to get going." Luz agreed.

They follow after Boscha.


None of them had spoken in first period. Boscha had hurried away the second the bell rang.

At lunch, the pink-haired girl had shown up. She stayed quiet, poking at her food.

"So, you gonna eat?" Luz asked.

Boscha looked over to the four of her concerned friends. She wasn't hungry. She looked at the food before her. She stabbed her fork at the food, but the thought of eating it made her feel sick.

"I'm not hungry." She admitted

"You need to eat something; you'll make yourself sick if you don't," Willow spoke with concern.

"I ate this morning when I went to the market with your dad." She lied. "I'll eat at dinner." She stood from the table and threw her food away. Turning back to her friends, she spoke again, "I'm going to go to class Early. Will you four be in the greenhouse after school?"

"Of course. We meet there every day after school to talk about random stuff before heading home." Luz responded with a smile. "We'll see you after school, right?"

Boscha nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there." With that, she walked to class.

"She's acting weird." Gus pointed out.

"Yeah, really weird." Amity agreed.

"She looks tired and has a low appetite. Willow, did she act weird in your house?" Luz asked.

"Kinda? I don't think she's been sleeping. She actively avoids asking for help or accepting help offered to her." Willow answered.

The four friends exchange worried glances.

"Can you try to talk to her?" Amity asked Willow, her eyes turning to the floor.

"Yeah, you do have time alone with her, where it's just you and her. She might open up to you!" Luz smiles slightly.

"I can try." The plant witch said as the bell went off, signaling them to head to class.

I am so sorry that this chapter is late!!! I got distracted while trying to write it!! Which is obviously no excuse. Please forgive me!!! 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Have a wonderful whatever time it is for you and know that you are loved!

Words- 1078
Published- 10/15/20

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