Chapter Forty-Three

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Boscha walked into the house and found that no one was in the living room. No one was at the table. No one was in the kitchen.

The house was quiet... too quiet. She walked down the hall to Willow's room. She knocked on the door, but she received no response. 

She opened the door. The room was empty... 

Her stomach dropped... her heart stopped. Her head began to spin as she went the Willow's parent's room. She knocked on the door, but she was once again greeted with silence. She checked the study, but the room was empty. 

She pulled out her scroll to see if she missed any messages from Willow or her dads. She hadn't...

She felt light-headed as a million negative thoughts swarmed her head. Tears begin to brim in her eyes.

"She left you." A voice spoke to her. 

"She doesn't want you." It spoke again. 

She pressed herself against the wall, sliding to the floor as she began to cry silently.

"That's not true..." She mumbled. 

"Why would she want to be near you? A pathetic coward."

"Nobody wants you especially her." 

"She said she loves me... she wouldn't lie about that... She wouldn't..." 

"She pitied you. She knew no one was ever going to love you. She lied."

"N-No! That's not true!" She screamed out angrily. 

"You know it is. You just want to avoid the truth." 

"She wouldn't do that to me..."

"She would. She did. She cares about almost all living things, but you? She just pitied you."

Boscha was unable to respond to her own thoughts. 

"You know it's true. They stopped you twice you know? However, third time is the charm."

"Third time?" She looked up then down the hall to the living room. 

"Don't you want the pain to stop?"

"I-I do..."

"Then make it stop. No one can interfere now."

"I- but others care about me... th-they want me around!"

"No, they don't."

"They said it was fun hanging out with me!" She tries desperately to find a reason... any reason... not to believe her thoughts. 

"They lied to you."


"Stop trying to deny the truth!" 

"I'm not... people care about me... I know they do..." 

"YOU KNOW NOTHING!  Wake up!  Remember The word on your back, the scars that you have, and the trauma you've endured!" Her back begins to burn in response. "You deserved it all. You deserve to die at the hands of those you wronged! YOU DE-"

Boscha screams in frustration, anger, guilt, regret, and grief. She swings her head back, slamming it against the wall, silencing her thoughts. 

She takes in a deep, shuddering breath, trying to calm herself. However, she only breaks down more. She allows her tears to fall, unable to stop them. 

Her thoughts start to ring in her head, screaming for her to listen again, but she silences them by slamming her head back against the wall. They come back again, quicker this time. She slams her head against the wall once more. It hurt, but it silenced her thoughts... maybe for just a moment, but it silenced them. She couldn't bear listening any longer.

She throws her hands over her ears and rocks back and forth, wishing she could block out the sounds of her thoughts, but she couldn't. They wouldn't stay silenced. She wanted them gone. 

The front door opens, but she's too wrapped up trying to silence her thoughts to hear the other three occupants of the house enter. 

They quickly notice her. 

"Boscha!" Willow runs over to her.

The three-eyed which hears her voice and looks up into her eyes. 

The moment she registers who's in front of her, she lunges forward and wraps her arms around the plant witch. 

"Boscha, what happened?" Willow asks with concern as she hugs her back. 

"N-nothing... I- I just got overwhelmed by m-my thoughts is all." She responded, burying her face in the other girl's shoulder. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

"N-not right now..." 

"Alright, well, are you hungry? We went out to get food for all of us." 

"Food would b-be nice," Boscha responded as she calmed down. 

Willow helps the potion witch to her feet, and they walk to the table to eat. 

Though they were laughing and having a great time, Boscha's thoughts kept coming back to her. By the end of dinner, her laughs and smiles were all forced. She didn't know why. She knew that Willow hadn't left her, so why were her thoughts still so strong... so sharp? 

Why did they hurt so much? 

The potion witch didn't think she made it obvious she was in mental distress, but all the Parks knew she was. 

When Willow took the-three eyed witch back to their room to prepare for bed, Mr. P called Dr.Talveraz, knowing that professional help was needed. They had known it all along, but they were waiting for Boscha to fully heal. Now, they saw that was a mistake. 

 Lazarus said he could see Boscha every Tuesday and Thursday after she went to school, which the two men were happy to hear. 

"We shouldn't have waited so long." Mr. P sighed as he hung up the phone with the therapist. 

"Now Frank, I got on to Willow for this, and I will get on to you too, don't go blaming yourself for the way Boscha is feeling, how she is doing! We are doing what we can for her. We're doing what we believe is best for her when she won't tell us what she needs. We can't know everything that's going through her head, but we can be here for her." The light-skinned man smiles at his husband. 

Mr.P smiles back. "You're right. I'm just worried about our future daughter-in-law." 

"Of course I'm right, Love. Also, she'll indeed become our daughter-in-law, but first, we must note that they aren't even dating yet." 

"It's only a matter of time." Mr. P half jokes as he and his husband walk to their room.

"Yes, that is true, and when they get married, there is no doubt her dreaded last name will finally become nothing more than history to the boiling isles."

"Boscha Park. That doesn't sound too bad." 

"Willow would most definitely love the sound of that." The lighter-skinned man grinned as he crawled into bed. 

Mr. P nodded as he laid down with his husband to get some rest.
There ya go chapter 43. Love it or hate it really don't care. Have a wonderful day everyone and know you're loved.

Words- 1093
Published- 8-9-21

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