Chapter Forty-One

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It had taken a few minutes for the pink-haired witch to finally respond to her friend. Even then, her response was short. It was a simple, "I'll be fine," Which Willow didn't want to leave it at that, but she didn't wish to upset the girl further or cause her to have a full-on mental breakdown.

It was currently lunch. The five friends sat together at a table. Skara, Amelia, and Kat decided to sit with them too.

Boscha was happy to be with her friends, but she still needed to talk to a specific lesbian disaster. The question was how to talk to her in private without raising suspicion. After she gave it some thought, she wanted to facepalm. She pulled out her scroll and sent Amity a text. How she didn't think to message her soon, she didn't know.

Amity looked at the message then looked at the three-eyed witch questioningly. Boscha looked away, and the Blight sighed. She stood up and walked over to her pink-skinned friend.

"Let's go talk... privately."

The others looked at them curiously, but the word 'privately let them know, none of them were to be a part of it.

Boscha stood up. She and Amity then left the cafeteria. They went to the restrooms, knowing it would probably be the best place for them to talk privately. Once inside the restrooms, Amity turned to the potion-track witch.

"What do you need to talk about?" She questioned.

Boscha blushed darkly, knowing all too well that once she asked this question, Amity would know what this was about.

"Well, I-" She sighs. "How did you know you liked Luz?"

"I-" She pauses, "This is about You and Willow, isn't it? Didn't you say you were scared to love her back?"

"W-well... yeah... but I- I don't know if I like her that way either... I'm scared of... well... losing her an-and well... I've... I've never been in l-love... so... I d-don't know if th-that's what I'm feeling... I-" She sighs and hugs herself, looking away from the Blight in front of her. "I sound so childish..."

"Childish? Boscha, this isn't childish. You're confused... these feelings... they're new to you. They were new to me too. We were both in the same boat Boscha. It can be confusing... The feelings others give you are new... Have you ever... before all of us now... had you ever had a real friend? Someone you wouldn't want to separate from?"

Boscha looked down, the only person coming to mind being someone she'd rather forget...

"At one point... Th-that friendship fell apart a long time ago..."

"I see. Have you ever... I don't know, thought about talking to that person again? Reuniting and getting back that friendship?"

"I-I-It's a l-lit-little l-late for th-that." Tears slipped down Boscha's cheeks. A dry, pitiful laugh escaped her lips.

Amity almost panicked as she hadn't intended to upset her friend. She wasn't mentally prepared at the moment to stop Boscha from breaking down.

The three-eyed witch began to wipe at her eyes, trying to stop the tears that fell.

"Boscha, hey, y-" "I'm sorry." The pink-haired witch whimpered.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry? You di-" "I shou-shouldn't be crying ri-right now. Nothing e-even happened..." She interrupted, trying more frantically to stop her tears.

Her attempts were unsuccessful as they just caused her body more stress. She went to her knees still sobbing.

Amity knelt in front of her. "Boscha, look at me."

The three-eyed witch looked up slightly.

"I know things in your past are a sensitive topic... I should've been more cautious while asking questions."

"... None o-of you should have to w-walk ar-around me so cautiously... speak s-so cautiously just because I'm near... I... Michell... was her name... She's the m-maid that I... well... I- I ki-kil-killed."

Amity's face paled, realizing exactly why it had pained her friend so much to think about the question. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to... How did she make you feel when you were her friend?" The Blight asked, knowing this was a bit of a risky game she was playing.

"Well... she made me happy... she made me w-worry less ab-about my p-par-parents... she w-was m-my only tr-true friend an-and I re-respected her..."

"How does Willow make you feel?"

This question made Boscha's tears stop. She was no longer thinking about Michell. She was thinking about now and at home.

"W-well... I- I don't know... I-I can't describe it w-well... Sh-she makes me f-feel safe? Secure? I... I feel warm..." She smiles as she begins to think about Willow.

A blush grows on her face. "No words I use can fully describe how she makes me feel."

"You're thinking about her, aren't you?" Amity teased.

Her blush only darkened. "H-how d-did you know that?!"

"Because I think about Luz when I'm not with her. Because I love her and want to be with her."

"Do... do you think th-that... I... I love Willow?"

"That's not something I can outright tell you. I think you know the answer though. Now, come on, Lunch is going to end soon, and we might want to grab something to eat before it does."

"Um... okay... but... uh... could you not tell th-the others what we were talking about?"

Amity smiles. "Of course. It isn't for me to tell anyway. This was a private conversation."

With that, the two of them walk out of the restroom and back into the cafeteria. They grab food and eat quickly as they had little time left. The others tried to pester them into saying what they talked about, but neither of them spilled.

The bell soon screamed, sending them all their separate ways. Boscha walked to class with a certain plant witch on her mind. She knew what her feelings were now, but she didn't know how to express them. She thought about different ways she could confess to Willow, but she knew no way special of doing so.

She sighed as she walked into class. She wanted to tell Willow, but she didn't know-how. It shouldn't matter how, seeming she already knew the plant witch felt the same. However, she wanted the moment to be special... 
.... here.... I procrastinated.... and wrote a horrible chapter... I am way out of practice.... y'all know that???

Anywho, have a wonderful day and know you are loved!

Words- 1025
Published 5/14/21

Changes and Chances(Boschlow)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt