Chapter forty-six

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Boscha was currently surrounded by her four friends. The three-eyed witch was leaning into Viney's embrace, tears still slipping down her face.

Zavier and Milly had run off a few minutes ago, unable to stand up against the massive abomination that was sent at them.

Boscha was relatively calm now, but they all remained in silence for a few more minutes, unsure of what to say or do.

"So... Why did you need to come to the library?" Luz asked to break the silence.

The pink-haired girl looked over at her.

"Well... I wanted books." Boscha answered, not wanting to fully reveal why she was here.

"What kind of books?" Amity questioned.

"Um... Plant books... Ones over plant magic and tending to plants..."

"Are you learning plant magic?!" Luz seemed to go starry eyed.

She only nodded.

"She was doing really well yesterday." Viney told her.

"Were you two hanging out yesterday?"

"Yeah." Viney responded happily. "She was hanging out with me, Jerbo, and Barcus."

Suddenly she got and idea and smiled. She looked down at Boscha, who was still leaning against her.

"How about you show them some of the spells you learned?"

"Uh... Yeah, sure..." She sat up.

She drew a small circle, making a small flower. She grabs the flower gently, staring at it. It had turquoise and magenta petals with a yellow center.

Her eyes brightened and she smiled. This was exactly what she needed...

Without a word she stood up and ran off, looking for the plant magic section.

Concerned, her other friends got up and followed after her.

They watched as she scanned book after book, grabbing ones she thought would be most beneficial for her.

"Boscha? What're you doing?" Viney asked.

"Getting books." She stated plainly as she grabbed one last book and walked over to a table.

"I can help you if you need." Luz smile slightly as she and the others approached the table. "I am in the plant track."

The three-eyed witch looked up at her friend with a smile. "I'd like that."

For the next two hours Luz helped Boscha with understanding the basics of plant magic.

Emira helped her learn how to do illusion magic.

They had tried to get her to tell them why she was so eager to learn new magic. However, she refused to tell them.

At the end of the two hours, Boscha had exhausted her magic as she was still new to these types.

"You've really progressed." Viney smiled at Boscha as the girl tried to do one last spell.

Boscha gave a gentle smile back. "Thanks. And thank you Luz for helping me. You too Emira."

"It's not problem!" Luz said happily.

"Yeah, though, I think you need to give yourself a break." Emira told the three-eyed witch as she stopped her from drawing another circle.

Boscha gave a defeated sigh. "Your right..."

"I don't mean to sound rude." Luz spoke up again. "But uh..."

She hesitated, unsure if her words might hurt the girl in front of her.

She sighed. "In the past... Before you changed and became better..." She saw her friend flinch at those words.

Luz felt bad, but she continued. "I only saw you do basic fire spells and levitation... Why is that?"

Boscha opened her mouth as if to speak, but she shut it again. She wasn't sure if she should say anything.

However, she knew there was no reason to stay silent. The only people around at the moment were her friends.

She looked at the floor and opened her mouth again.

"I- I was never allowed to learn magic unless it would help with potions..." She took a deep breath as she felt her nerves acting up.

Luz placed her hand on Boscha's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I- I shouldn't have asked."

The pink-haired witch shook her head. "No, no. It's okay." She smiled. "In a few days I'll be talking to someone I hardly know about this stuff."

"Are you going to a therapist?" Amity questioned.

"Um... Yeah..." Boscha said, slightly embarrassed.

"That's good. They'll help you feel better and get rid of your PTSD." Luz smile reassuringly.

"PTSD? I don't have that..."

"Post-traumatic stress disorder. You flinch when people raise their hands near you. You freak out when people raise their voice. You definitely have it." Luz argued.

"To be honest... I didn't know what it was..." Boscha admitted with a sigh. "... Do you actually think I'll be able to get over all of... That?"

"Of course! You're strong and determined! You've made it this far, Boscha. With a little bit of professional help, you'll be able to conquer the fears that your father gave you."

"And you won't be alone, we'll all be here for you." Viney added.

"Yeah, and we can teach you more spells." Emira smiled.

Amity moved beside Boscha and leaned close to her ear. She whispered something that only the three-eyed witch could hear.

Luz could guess that it had something to do with Willow as the girl smiled and blushed.

No longer having a reason to be in the library, Boscha decided it was time to check out some books and go home.

"I think it's time for me to head back home." She told her friends.

"Good luck, Bosk." Viney smiled.

"Want us to walk you home?" Amity questioned.

"Yeah! We vod hang out with you and Willow!" Luz smiled.

"I wouldn't mind."

"See you tomorrow Vin!" Luz said far too loud causing one of the librarians to shush her.

Luz laughed nervously as they walked to the exit of the library.

"See ya." She waved Luz goodbye as the three girls walked out of the library.

They talked with each other as they walked to the Park's house hold.

Once they reached their destination, Boscha took a deep breath to prepare herself.

She knew there was a chance that they'd be out in town and she wanted to be prepared if that happened to be the case.

She walked inside and saw the Park's at the table.

"I'm home." She smiled at them then motioned to Amity and Luz. "And they're with me."

"Good to see you're okay." Willow smiles.

"How about you girl's go to Willow's room to hang out." Mr. P suggests.

"Or even out back, it is a lovely day."

"I... Want to go to the room." Boscha tells them.

With that the four girls head to Willow's and Boscha's room.
Have a wonderful day you guys and know you are loved.

Words- 1086
Published- 8/27/21

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