Chapter Fifty

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Monday morning came. Willow and Boscha woke up, cuddled for about thirty minutes, then got ready for the day.

They went down the hall to the kitchen and ate the wonderful meal Mr. P prepared for them.

Once they had finished, they grabbed their school supplies and headed to Hexside.

They went to the greenhouse and began tending to plants.

After the other three friends joined them, they all sat down and talked.

Luz began to play with Boscha's hair, which the three-eyed witch didn't mind.

In the end, Luz had put her hair into a loose bun.

"Oh, hey, Willow!" Boscha grabbed the plant witch's attention.


"I... Um... I'm staying after school today..."

"Oh, okay. Why are you staying after?"

"Potions project."

"Do you want me to stay with you?"

"No!" She squeaked then cleared her throat. "You don't need to. I'll be with Barcus. He's helping me."

Willow studied her for a moment then sighed. "Okay. I'll tell papa."

"Thank you..."

They all hear the scream of the bell. 

"Welp, I guess we need to head to class." Luz sighed as she stood up. 

"I'll see you guys after school," Amity told them. 

She and Luz were the first to leave, followed quickly by Gus. 

Boscha grabbed her bag and looked back at Willow. "Come on, we don't wanna be late." 

The two of them walked to their first class together. 
Willow had seen Boscha at lunch later in the day, but after they ate, the three-eyed witch went off to work. 

After school Willow met with Luz, Amity, and Gus in the greenhouse. 

They talked about their days for a little while, but the hang-out ended far faster than Willow liked. She went home sooner than she had any other day. 

Little did she know, all of this was planned from the start.
Luz walked into the room of hidden passageways. Amity and Gus were following behind her.

"We're here!" Luz exclaimed. 

"What in the titan's name happened." Amity panicked as she saw Viney putting bandages and healing patches on Boscha. 

Luz looked over to the former Banshee. She flinched at the burns and cuts that were being covered. 

"I'm honestly surprised you're not asking questions about this place." The three-eyed witch laughed as Viney finished with her bandages. 

"Because I'm concerned about what happened to you." 

There was a bark off to the side, and Amity looked over to see Barcus. They walked in through one of the many doors. Before the door shut fully, Amity saw the cauldrons and knew they had come out of the potions room. 

"You really can't be trusted on your own, can you?" Jerbo commented, causing Viney to glare at him. 

He raised his hands in defense. "Sorry!" He squeaked. 

"It's fine." Boscha smiles. 

"So... what exactly happened?" Gus questions. 

"Well... I was experimenting... but I uh... did the measurements wrong." The pink-haired girl scratched the back of her neck. 

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