Chapter Forty

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The five days had passed. Amity had been busy those days and unable to hang out with everyone, so Boscha couldn't find the time to talk to her. The cast had already been taken off, and she was nervous for her first day back at school.

She was currently walking behind her friends, which they had surprisingly allowed her to do. They were usually too worried to allow her to leave their sight. She wasn't complaining. She didn't like them worrying so much anyway.

She had talked to Willow a lot in the past five days, but it didn't help her determine her true feeling towards her. In fact, she had only confused herself further.

She needed to talk to Amity before these thoughts and emotions killed her. They were honestly becoming too much for her to handle. She was always getting lost in these thoughts throughout the day. It felt like she had wasted nearly a week on her thoughts alone!

She hoped for the love of the titan that Amity could help her come to a conclusion. She wanted badly to figure out her emotions and finally tell Willow how she truly felt.

"Hey, Bosch, you okay?" Luz had fallen back to talk with her.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine." The three-eyed witch responded.

"Just making sure, you seem to be getting lost in your head a lot these days. I just want to make sure you're not thinking anything negative."

Boscha smiled slightly. "Thank you for your concern, but you shouldn't worry so much, Luz."

"It's hard not to! You're my friend, and I want all of my friends to be happy!" The Latina grinned.

"Yeah, I know you do, and I love that you're like that. It makes you an amazing friend."

"So, what're you two talking about?" Amity questions as she had fallen back to chat with her other two friends.

"Not much." The potion witch replied

It didn't take long for Gus and Willow to end up beside everyone too.

The five friends continued to talk happily as they continued to school. Once the school was in sight, Boscha became a lot more nervous, stopping in her path.

"Is it too late to say... I'm not ready to go back?"

Her four friends looked a little disappointed? No, that couldn't be right... could it? Her heart began to hammer. Why did she have to be so bad at deciphering emotions?!

"N-nevermind, I'll have to face it again eventually. Might as well get it over with." She forced a smile to her lips as she walked past her friends.

Willow grabbed the three-eyed witch's hand gently. "It's okay if you're not ready, Boscha. We can go back."

The pink-haired witch turned to face them. "N-no, that's fine! We're here! I might as well face it. It won't be that bad, right? I'm just a little nervous, that's all."

"A little nervous? Boscha, you look like your about ready to have a panic attack!" Amity commented.

"Yeah, I know you said you were fine earlier, but are you sure?" Luz asked with concern.

"Okay, maybe I'm really nervous, but I'm fine!"

"Alright, then let's go inside." Willow smiles as she leads them inside.

Boscha's heart was hammering as she walked through the door. She was scared to be walking back into the place she used to rule. She was scared she was going to run into her bullies. She was afraid that something terrible was going to happen. She was scared that she was going to mess up and make everyone else hate her more.

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