Brotherly bonds part 2

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David's PoV:

Brandon called an emergency guild meeting. Which is very strange concerning we never really have emergency meetings and if we ever do it's usually Ritchie who calls them not Brandon.
Me and Lucas walked into the guild hall to see everyone apart from Ritchie was there. I walk over to the tap and ask "where's Ritchie?"
"That's actually what this meetings about." Brandon's voice wasn't it's usual calm instead it was laced with anger. That took all of us by surprise.
"What happened? Is he alright?" Devin asked.
"What happened is non of anyone of yours concern. As to if he alright..." Brandon was quite before sighing and saying "his body will recover... his mind... that's going to be more difficult..."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Kit spoke up.
"Non of you are allowed to see Ritchie until I say so understood." Brandon harshly glared at all of us taking all of us off guard.
"Why not?" Devin asks.
"His mental state is very vulnerable right now. I know a lot of you like to be harsh with him but he can't handle that right now." Brandon explained.
"I still don't get it." Immo says.
I shake my head and say "it means he'll probably have a breakdown if you be mean to him idiot."
"Ohhh but why?" He asks in response to my explanation.
I shrug and look at Brandon for an answer.
"I'm not saying anything more until he's told me he's okay with me telling you..." Brandon looks away from us concerned for a moment before turning back with his calm look. At least on the surface was his calm face I could see it in his eyes thought he looks like he's gonna kill someone out of pure hatred and utter rage. He then dismisses us and heads off to his room.
"That was weird." Boat says.
"I think we should just wait until Brandon gives us permission Ritchie is his brother after all." Devin says.
"BRANDON!" We all heard that.
"Was that Ritchie?" Mario asked
"Now we HAVE to see what that was about!" I say as I get up and run to the twins's office bedroom.

Ritchie's PoV:

"BRANDON!" I yell as the voices start to over whelm me.
They got louder and louder I can't bear much more of this "BRANDON PLEASE COME HERE!" I shout desperate to get his attention.
I heard loud thumping while I tried my best to steady my breathing. It only made everything so much worse.
"RITCHIE?!" My brother slams opens the door and is immediately at my side comforting me.
I cried into his chest and cuddled with him until the voices had stopped and I could breath once more.

Mario's PoV:

Me and the rest of the guild that were at the meeting had followed David to the twins office in order to see what was going on we were outside of the door listening in to everything that was going on. I noticed all the bandages on Ritchie and the fact he's have a panic attack. Concern fills me as I look at the rest of the guild to see the same expression even David's worried.

Ritchie was clinging to Brandon as if his life depended he on it and was crying his heart out constantly muttering something about voices returning and tell him to hurt himself or kill himself.
"That damn demons gone to far this time." I growl. That's when I noticed the tears in David's and Lucas's eyes.
"What up with you two?" I ask.
"That's not his demons doing..." David mutters. No sarcasm in his voice which is an extremely rare thing to hear.
"T-then What?" I begin to question before I get cut off by Boat. "Mario don't." His voice changed at the 'don't' part it became much more serious and stern. I just nodded mainly or of shock and confusion.
David then leads us all back downstairs and says we should all go home. Boat and Devin agree and start to leave.
"Are we just gonna pretend we didn't see what we just saw?" I ask annoyed.
"Mario you need to know there are something it's best to leave unsaid... We will talk to Brandon about this and hopefully Ritchie but if their not comfortable with explaining it then they don't have to." I was going to protest to say we shouldn't wait to ask when he said in very serious and almost threatening tone. "Is that understood?" I was surprised at this and reluctantly agreed. "Good." He says before walking out of the rooms followed by Devin and David. David saying something about how he didn't know Boat had a backbone or something.

~~~~~~~~the next afternoon ~~~~~~~~

Brandon's PoV:

My brother was taking a nap since he didn't get a good night sleep last night. I left him be and took a stroll around the island trying to clear my mind. My peace was interrupted by three mages all with the same level of extreme concern on their faces.
"Can I help you three?" I ask Boat, David and Devin.
"We over heard Ritchie and wanted to know if he's okay." My eyes widened at what Lucas had just said I sit up off the tree trunk I was previously later down and asked. "Were you eavesdropping on us?"
"k-kinda..." Devin admits. I would be angry if I want impressed by the fact I didn't notice.
"He's fine now." I say.
"What's wrong with him though?" David asks.
"I think it might be his anxiety and depression..." I muttered my voice filling with so much concern I couldn't hide it.
I fill a pair of arms pull me into a gentle hug. I look to see who and see Boat. I respond with a sigh before returning the favour, hugging him back.
"Is there anything we can do?" Devin asks.
"I need you Devin to be there for him as for you David stop being a dick or at the very least just calm it down a bit and Lucas... Just keep being you and being friendly... Lastly for all of you stop calling him out for drinking if he needs to drink his life away let him or at least come get me." They nod and I tell Lucas to tell the others  the new rules and David to get some medication I needed to pick up for Ritchie. Then I tell Devin to come with me back to my brother to check he's okay.

After a about half an hour of me giving Devin the big brother talk David came in with medical bag. I thanked him and for the bag form him putting the medication into cup of water knowing if he knew that I had done it he wouldn't drink it no matter what.

Motivation has left the chat👏

A about a week ago we went to a psychiatrist and they said my brother has PTSD, Severe depression, severe Anxiety and has a high chance of developing severe schizophrenia. It breaks my heart to have only just realised but I'm glad he's no longer suffering in silence.
It's been a couple of weeks since my bother has been on the medication and I told the guild to be nicer to him and so far it's working thankfully. His confidence is back up to normal and he is having less episodes.

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