14 Only For A Moment

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Jane had most certainly been hungover before, but never in all her years of partying had she ever been like this. It felt like she'd been dragged through hell and back and Satan was dancing with a sledgehammer through her head.  

Trying to return herself to the land of the living as she gingerly peeled her eyes open was almost too difficult to bear. She nearly gave up and went back to sleep when she felt a cup of water in her hand and heard her best friends voice, "And so she lives." 

She didn't reply for a while, too busy trying to adjust to the bright lights of the room and rehydrate her dried out throat. But when she finally spoke she winced at the harsh, strained quality of her own voice, "What happened?" 

"Give it a couple of minutes- you always remember everything." 

Elle then took the cup away from her and slid dark shades over her eyes, "That should help with the light." 

"Thanks." Jane laid back deeper into the pillows behind her head, recognizing almost instantly that the bed she was laying in wasn't her own. Looking down, she saw the hospital gown and sterile sheets before the combined smell of sickness and disinfectant hit her nose.  

"I'm in the hospital?" She asked to which her best friend just nodded and pulled out a nail file. Clearly Elle's patience was wearing thin with having to sit by and watch Jane, especially considering there was no patience with Elle to begin with.  

"I'm in the hospital." Jane repeated to herself as though hoping it would trigger some type of memory, and it did, "Oh no! Is Nate okay?" 

"He's fine. But what I would like to know is how you went from being Nate's rescuer to being so drunk you came in here wearing your mate's shirt and having to get your stomach pumped?" 

"What happened to my jeans?!" 

"They're safe. Well... at least they are if that dry cleaner can get all the vomit off it." 

She wanted to cry. 

She loved those jeans like they were her first born. Luckily, Elle seemed to realize this and stopped her nail maintenance to gently rub Jane's arm in a consoling manor as she muttered, "There. There. They'll be okay." 

Knowing that crying would only make her headache ten times worse than the earthquake it already was, she held off her sadness about her jeans and downed some aspirin before Elle stated, "You owe me an explanation. I guess I owe you one to, for kind of ditching you at the most stupid time- but I want to know why you broke our pact of no drinking." 

Jane sighed. She knew Elle was going to demand answers for her drinking last night, but she did have a real reason for breaking their pact. 

Readjusting her pillows she leaned back as she explained, "Ever met a hunter in real life? I truly hope not, because they're friggin' terrifying! One look in their eyes and I just knew Nate and I weren't going to make it out of there alive. They wouldn't let us leave unless our blood was splattered on the walls and our bodies unrecognizable. There was only one way I was going to get free and that was to use their testosterone against them." 

Elle seemed to mull this over before, "You challenged the leader to beer pong?" 


"Good girl. Seems you learnt a thing or two from me after all." 

"You bet. Now you going to tell me why you left?" 

Elle moved from the chair she was seated in to the edge of the bed and faced Jane, "Not until you tell me what you were doing in Levi's shirt." 

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