05 Alternate Idea

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"What if something were to happen to me, Mike? All because you blocked me out of our mind link."

Elle pleaded desperately to her mate, really turning up the pout as she tried to draw in his attention so that Jane could remain hidden away unnoticed.

"That's why I tell you to come and watch Elle, so you're close to me. But you hate football fields or anything to do with sport in general. Which is why I'm wondering why you're here?"

Come on Elle! Don't let him get off that easy! Jane thought as she braved it out, laying as still as she could amongst the extremely uncomfortable bushes. Not to mention as she mentally encouraged her best friend to hang in there, and lay as still as she possibly could something was moving up over her hip.

She wasn't tall by any standards and so she knew without a doubt that the wandering creature was covering the short distance from her legs to her face in quick succession. This was not good.

"I was lonely without you."

Jane knew that her friend's fake confession was delivered with just the right amount of lip tremble. Because she heard Mike sigh, "Well where's Ja-"

Elle cleared her throat loudly to stop Mike from revealing Jane's name, "You really want to openly discuss our relationship in front of your cousin?"

"Hey don't bring me into this," Levi's voice caused Jane's heartbeat to become erratic as she lay there hiding from him in the stupid bush.

"Mike, just text me when your keeper decides to let you interact with other human beings," Levi joked, but his tone shifted to something a lot more serious, "And uh, don't forget about the uh... the problem you're helping me with tomorrow."

That piqued Jane's interest, there was too much-unvoiced context for that to slip past her ears. What did Levi mean by problem? Could he possibly be referring to her? Was she his big problem?

The sound of Levi's footsteps fading away sent a feeling of both relief and discomfort through her. She was glad that Levi had finally left before he noticed she was there but her wolf was whining in the back of her mind sad that her mate was leaving her.

She felt the crawling creature making it higher up along ribcage and she hoped that Elle would give her the all clear so she could get out of this damn bush, and away from this damn critter before it decided to do more than just explore her and possibly make a meal out of her.

"Okay he's gone," Elle announced to which Jane rapidly scurried out of the bush like she was doing some form of army drill, hoping whatever it was that had attached itself to her would take the hint and get off her body. She really did not need to be attacked by a tiny bug on a day like today.

"Jane?!" Mike demanded his eyes wide in shock as he jumped away from her. "What the hell are you doing in that bush?!"

She could imagine that she looked pretty terrifying all dirty and messy with her hair all askew and her cute, worn PJ's on. But she ignored Mike's astonished reaction as she hastily asked Elle, "Is there something crawling up my side!"

Elle, helped her to stand.

"Don't worry Janie there's no spider on you. You know you and your family hallucinate that you have spiders crawling all over you."

As true as Elle may be, Jane knew for a fact that something had been roaming all over her. The little movements of something making an obstacle course out of her flesh was too hard to ignore.

"But there really was something crawling all over my leg, though! In future hiding in bushes is out the question," she informed her best friend whilst pulling a leaf out from her wavy brown hair. She was no doubt covered in all types of debris but she didn't care enough to get rid of it all. She'd just wipe off the dirt and remove any objects that were becoming irritating as they remained tangled in her dark hair.

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