17. Sealed Fate 2 ♥️

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Congratulations Mrs Farhan Junaid,  Welcome to your nightmare. We are now officially in the Slave-Master relationship and I promise to make it memorable, In the cruelest way ever.

Get ready to enjoy my hellhole Miss crazy.... Or should I say Mrs Crazy Rude!!!

That's it.

I felt all life force drain out of me as reality hit me like a mean upper cut. I was married, my fate was sealed to that of a sick bastard who's hell-bent on making me miserable.

But you know what am not? Am not a pathetic bitch who will keep calm and watch people bullshit her.

Then I made a resolution never to give him the triumphant satisfaction of stepping all over me. I Nafeesah Abdullahi promise you that.

My little bubble thought was popped by the sound of the door opening. It was Miss Anabelle, secretary to the CEO Rowling.

" Well.. Well.. Well.. who do we have here? Mrs Farhan Junaid. Congratulations on your wedding, I wish you a happy married life." She said, with an obviously fake smile plastered across her face.

" Are you here to mock me?" I asked her with an irritated eye roll.

"Why will I mock you when you're finally married to the love of your life" she said with a chuckle, converting my irritation to anger.

"Look Anabelle am not really in for your snarky remarks today so can you  please shut your mouth and state your business here?" I asked with gritted teeth.

She heaved a sigh but before she could say something, the door was shoved open revealing a beautifully dressed woman who happened to be my mom. Tears formed at the brim of my eyes as I spotted her in a green gown adorned with white floral patched patterns.

" Do I look that bad?" She asked with a scrunched face. I smiled at that and wiped the stray tear that found its way down my cheeks.

" You look magnificent mom " I answered and her expression seemed to soften a bit.

" I would have said so to you too but you're not even dressed. What type of bride doesn't seem even a tiny bit excited about her own wedding?" She asked as she made her way towards me and settled next to me on the bed.

Thankfully Annabelle took it as the signal to leave us to ourselves and she silently left.

" Feenah I know you're having cold feet. It's okay to do so, most brides experience it before their wedding and it all turned out to be fine. But honey you're making me feel like there's more to what you're having than cold feet. You've been acting like you don't even want to get married and it's alarming. Is there something I need to know honey?" She asked, gently squeezing my hands in hers.

Her eyes peering into mine, searching for the answers I could provide. Her eyes looked like they were boring right into my heart to read my every emotion and thoughts. I quickly took my eyes off her, unable to bare her stares. 

Think about something you fool. If not she's gonna find out everything

My subconscious quickly brought me back on track. I mustered up some courage and opened my mouth to talk. I was amazed by how the words flew confidently and smoothly out of my mouth.

" Nothing serious mom. Am just worried about leaving you here for Spain" I answered with a smile and she heaved a sigh of relief.

I used to be a terrible liar and my mom had always catch on whenever I said something that wasn't true. But this time I was able to do it perfectly.

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