12. Farhan Junaid ♥️

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I exhaled loudly for the sixth time now, pacing back and forth in my room.
" Calm your imaginary balls dear" husnah said and I shot her a death glare for her vulgar utterance.

" Really it's no big deal. I mean you've met her before so..... " She added with a shrug. Why did this seem like a No big deal for her? I was meeting my in-laws for crying out loud.
But wait... I did met her once but why do all these feel strange to me.

" Hey she knows about the Surrogacy thing... " She said, and that successfully smacked my nervous mind to normal.

With the help of my darling Husnah, I dressed up in a simple black gown and veil, picked up my phone and as if on cue I heard a car honk outside the house. It's must be Mr. Rude.

" Hurry he's here" Husnah said after peeping through the window. But the reason for the sudden excitement was a mystery to me.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and stepped out. And there he was in his full glory. Not like the normal office suits I always saw him in, this guy was in a caftan. Yeah a freaking caftan and it looked like all caftans were made because of him. Seriously he would fit in modelling more than business because virtually anything would look amazing on him. If fashion was a human, it's supposed to be called Farhan Junaid.

And you know what? He was driving his own car and not lazily sitting in the backseat, waiting for his driver to take him everywhere. Even the driver seat looked like the spot was made just for him. Believe me it's super cool.

He honked harder before I realized that all these while I just stood and stared at him, drinking in his appearance. "Subhanallah" I muttered under my breath before briskly walking towards the car.

I got in and sat down, nervously rearranging my veil which Husnah had perfectly rolled on my head and I ended up wrecking everything.

"You look like a disaster" he finally said and all those cool and handsome images of him in my head immediately vanished.

" Well thank you. You look like a catastrophe also. Or is it a calamity?" I answered with the best fake smile ever. He had to know I was sassing him for real.

He sighed and shook his head before zooming off to his residence. The ride was quiet and I took my time in gawking at the trees and so many things that didn't necessarily needed my attention.

After like Thirty five minutes, he drove into the estate then his house. He parked in the parking lot. I was about getting off the car when I heard him say. " In here, no one... I mean no one should know that we are not in love with each other" with that he got out of the car.

I fixed my veil with the help of the rearview mirror before getting out of the car. I thought he would have already be inside the house by now but he waited for me. like he actually waited for me.

"Remember what I told you" he said before flashing me the most beautiful smile ever. If I wasn't in my right state of mind, I would have sworn Mr Rude was head over hills for me.

Focus idiot!! My subconscious mind knocked me out of it.

I smiled back and we both made our way into the house. Immediately I stepped in, the first thing that caressed my ears was a soft tune that came from what I could recognize as a piano.

There she sat at a corner of the sitting room playing the piano. The woman who introduced herself as his mom to me.

"Welcome my daughter" she said with a warm smile.

" Are you really my son's girlfriend? You're not a woman he's using to stop me from bugging him?" She asked and I gave her a confused look.

Why is this woman suddenly acting like we never met? Does she have Alzheimer?

My eyes met Mr Rude's and he gave me the play-along look. " Yes ma'am we've been dating for seven months now" I replied and she squealed in joy.

She does really have Alzheimer.

" Can you excuse us son? I want to talk to her." She said, and my stomach plummets in fear.

He smiled a bit before he stood up and headed to somewhere I assumed as his room.

" Oh! Thank God you didn't tell him we've met before" she said with a smile.

Ohhh now that's weird.

" He doesn't know that am aware because Fahad informed me about it. So the main thing here is... You won't only play the role of a Surrogate nafeesah, you'll also play the role of a wife. I have a target to hit and my aim can be achieved only if you help me." She said as she took my hand in hers.

" What do you want me to do ma'am?" I asked her, the whole target and aim thing was a mystery to me but I refrained from asking about it.

"Nothing Nafeesah. I just want you to be yourself. And am positive because you are the perfect match" She said.

I really need to ask her what she meant about this perfect match of a thing. I opened my mouth to talk but Mr. Rude beat me to it.

" We need to go mom" he said, appearing from another part of the house.

" So soon?" She asked with a pout which I Surprisingly found adorable.

" Yeah we need to go see her mom in the hospital. Her mom is sick" he answered.

" Ohh may Allah Grant her safe recovery" she replied and I stood up. We bade each other goodbye and left.

On our way to the parking lot, I met that girl who was with me the last time I was here.

She greeted me with a smile which I gladly returned. " What's your name?" I asked after realizing that I left that day without even knowing her name.

" Am Nadiya" she said with a shy smile.

" Nice to meet you Nadiya" I said and his honk made me have her a quick goodbye hug and left.

" I didn't know we'll be going to see Mom" I said after we left the estate.

" I didn't know you had a sane part of you" he replied and I really wasn't in the mood to drag it. So I kept quiet.

We got to the hospital and I led the way to mom. She was now transferred to a VIP ward so it's more easier to see her.

"Feenah." My mom squealed in joy as my eyes met hers.

I ran into her arms, careful not to knock off her cannula. Seemed like she was getting a blood transfusion.

" I missed you mom" I muttered but she didn't answer. I raised my head and she was staring at something. I turned just the moment Mr Rude crouched down a bit to greet her.

Really? Is that Mr Rude or is this the Farhan Junaid I didn't know. So there's actually a difference.

" Please tell me you are my future Son in-law" my mom said and I blushed at that. Imagine oo... Why am I even blushing?

" Yes Ma" he answered with a genuine smile.

" Come sit Mr?" She said, dragging the Mr which actually meant that she was asking for his name.

"Junaid" he answered " Farhan Junaid"

"Sit down Mr Farhan Junaid" she replied. He did as she said and I could swear none of them even remember that I existed.

" Do you love my daughter?" She asked and that made me really uncomfortable. Heat crept up my cheeks and I know they would be beet red by now.

" With everything I have" he replied which shocked me. A simple yes would do but why go these extent just to make her think he loves me for real?

" Will you continue to love her?" She asked again.

" For the rest of my life till I can't feel my heart anymore" really.. forget about Surrogacy and stuff my heart melted at that.

There really is a clear difference between Mr. Rude CEO and Mr Farhan Junaid.

Hey Guys 🥰

Between Mr Rude and Mr Farhan Junaid who do you like more?

Much love ♥️ Nightingale ✍️

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