33. Beautiful ♥️

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Nafeesah POV.

I forced the window open with the agility of a ninja assassin. Just kidding, I was about as graceful as a drunk sloth.

The warm evening breeze hit my face and I stared at the sunset ahead. It was so beautiful and serene and for the first time in a very long time I felt free. Accustomed to the fact that my mother needed surgery and I had to provide that, I totally forgot who I really was. What I wanted, what I didn't, my dreams and my passion. During these times all I focused on was earning money. But now It feels like the most heaviest burden of my life had been lifted.

It was the most peaceful feeling ever. The sound of the Adhan shook me out of my reverie and I closed the window, making my way to the bathroom. I had a warm bath and performed ablution. Prayed and thanked the almighty for his blessings in my life. Just eight months. If eight months ago someone had stopped me and told me I would be married to a millionaire and my mother will receive treatment, I would have punched that person right in the face and call him a bloody liar.

But what, my life had turned with a single miracle and even tho I knew this marriage was just a formality, i still appreciate it. My hands immediately flew to my stomach. " Thank you Allah, for giving me my Tesro"

I heard a light knock on the door and a Salam. I answered and the lady I recognised as nadiya peeked in. "Welcome back ma'am, hajiya said you should come down for dinner" she said, with her gaze lowered.

" okay I'll be right there" I answered her with a smile. I checked for my stuff but found none so instead of the gown I came in, I entered his closet and took out a cream coloured Jalabiya and wore it then used his cologne too. I looked at myself in the mirror and I immediately burst into laughter. I looked so small in his oversized clothes even though I'm much more plumper and my belly was really showing. Its six months old now, My Tesro.

Picking up the veil I wore when I was coming, I wrapped it around my head before exiting the room. The corridors was so silent that you could even hear a pin drop. And thankfully, I was in flops so it was easier to move around. I descended the stairs to meet her standing there with a beaming smile.

" my daughter"  she called happily as she engulfed me in a hug, careful not to squeeze my belly in between.

"Good evening mama" I greeted.

" how was your flight. Awww you look like it drained all energy from you" she said. I was about to answer when my stomach viciously growled and she chuckled.

" come eat" she led me to the dining. He was already seated, seemed like they were all waiting for me and I felt a little guilty for that.

" you wore my clothes and even used my cologne?" He asked wide eyed. Why is he even asking? Isn't it obvious?

" yes and she looks beautiful" mama answered and pulled a sit for me close to him.

" sit my daughter let me remind you that your tongue is still alive" she chuckled then started to dish the food.

I was confused at first, but realized what she meant as the aroma of the delicacies hit my nose. My mouth immediately started to water.

I stuffed my face with Sinasir and Taushe, chilled coconut juice, catfish peppersoup, and had brownies too.

" you sure eat alot, which I consider too much for someone your size" he stated, talking for the first time after mama shut him up about the clothes.

" yes and that's because she's carrying my grandchild" mama answered and I smirked.

" if you're done, meet me in the parking lot" he said and left the table.

" Don't mind him. Take your time" she said, looking at me with so much adoration.

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