26. Tesro ❤️

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Nafeesah's POV.

We silently exited the hospital and made our way to the parking lot. It was an awkward type of silence. The tension was so thick a knife could slice through it.

Was I the only one that took note of the weird stuff that happened inside the sonography room? I'm sure you all did.

But why did he do that?

We got into the car and he drove off. We got home and Mrs Rodriguez was already waiting for me with a bright smile on her face.

"Welcome back Miha" she said as she led me to the dining.

Damn I love the fact that she always knew when to feed me.

In no time, I had devoured the food, moaning at every bit of it.

I went back to my room to take a shower and call Husnah. Gosh I missed her.

I was already in my towel when my phone started to ring.

Guess who.

Just the person I wanted to talk to.

I picked it up and she squealed "guess who's going to be a mom soon"

Damn! Words travel fast.

I decided to tease her a bit.

" Yeah who's pregnant?" I asked, acting oblivious to everything.

" Don't mess with me I didn't call you to joke around" she scolded.

I heaved a sigh and nodded.

"Why don't you look happy?" She asked, as she took notice of my slouched shoulders.

"I'm scared hussy" I answered.

"Being scared is normal but I'm assuring you there's nothing to be scared of baby" my mother's voice cut in.

"Mom!" I squealed in joy.

"Congratulations baby. It's okay to be scared. It's a normal feeling everyone gets at first. Everything will seem weird to you and before you realize it, You'll be accustomed to the fact that you'll be having a baby. All you have to do is make sure you both stay healthy okay. I just finished talking to your husband too and I told him all the necessary precautions"

So he broke the news himself. There he was moments ago acting like he had no care in the world.

"Okay mum. How's your chemo going?" I asked.

"It's good Alhamdulillah. Just take care of yourself and your baby okay. Worry less about me. I'm in safe hands. Husnah might be a handful sometimes but she makes sure I don't miss you too much" she answered.

We bade each other good bye and I ended the call. Heading straight for the bathroom.

I stepped into the running shower and the warm water trickled down my body, sure to leave a touch of warmth in every corner.

I stood there, thinking about my life. Four months back if someone told me I would get married to the CEO of Rowling and even carry his baby, i would have punched the person in the guts and call him a crazy lier.

But here I was, pregnant with a baby I am going to give up and leave when the time comes.

After like fourty minutes, I rounded up my shower session, deciding on pushing everything aside and focus on safely delivering the baby without complications. A tough choice but the right thing to do.

I wrapped the towel around me and got out of the bathroom only to meet Mr Rude standing by my door. Looked like he just entered too.

I clutched the towel tighter as I squirmed under his intense scrutiny that seemed to be racking all over my body.

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