24. Intrauterine Insemination ❤️

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Nafeesah POV.

" Okay good news Mr and Mrs Junaid. Your blood sugar level is excellent, you don't have any infection and you don't have high blood pressure. You are not pregnant and your blood count is exceptional. You're as healthy as a horse" she smiled.

"Let me start by briefing you on what Intrauterine Insemination is" she added and I adjusted my seat to a more comfortable position.

" Intrauterine Insemination is a fertility treatment where sperm are placed directly into the uterus. During natural conception, the sperm travels from the vagina to the cervix, into the uterus then up to the fallopian tubes. So in this process, we'll shorten it's journey by placing it straight into the uterus. It doesn't need any pain killers or anesthesia" she smiled and I nodded my head before she continued.

" Women have ten or twenty percent chance of getting pregnant with each IUI cycle. The more cycles you go through, the more your chances of getting pregnant are. So don't panic if it doesn't work out in our first try."

She handed me a pill and said " here, take these pills. They'll help stimulate the growth of your egg to make you more fertile than you were before." Mr Rude gave me a bottle of water and I drowned down the medication.

" Mr Junaid let's get your semen  sample. Are you sure you had morning erection today?" She asked. And all the smile Mr Rude had on his face vanished. He gave her a look that said 'watch your tongue' before he scurried out of the room.

" Hmmm someone's shy" she smiled.

" Take off your clothes and put on this gown before I come back" she instructed before leaving the room.

I quickly dressed into the gown and put my clothes neatly to the side of the bed.

I felt relieved that I was medically okay to have a baby. I hadn't had a check up in years.

I started to feel cramps in my lower abdomen but I decided to hold it in. He paid for my mom's surgery so I should also try and finish my own end of the bargain without issues.

After almost two hours of waiting, she came back with a file in her hand " I would like for you to sign this paper before we get started" she handed me a piece of paper to sign and I placed my signature on the thin black line.

No turning back now. Let me Just focus on trying not to freak out.

" Awesome. Can you please pull off your underwear and sit on this chair please?" I did as I was told.

" You must have felt some pain around here right" she said while pressing my tummy and I winced in pain.

" Don't worry, it's due to the stimulant you took a while ago" she explained and that made lots of sense.

She rolled around two foot pedals and I placed my legs on it. I was completely open for the world to see. I know that was extra but it was what I felt like.  Even though she was a woman like I am, I still felt weird letting her see me like that.

" A virgin huh?" She asked and heat crept up my face. Did she really had to say that out loud?

" Since you're a virgin it'll hurt a bit. But not more than you can handle okay?" 

" Yes" I answered.

" I'll now insert a speculum in you then insert a catheter through your cervix into your uterus. It's not supposed to hurt but it will because of the current width of your vagina"  she explained.

She started to push it in and I really did feel the pain. Soon, the pain reduced and she injected the sperm into it.

There's really no going back now.

" Lie down on your back with your legs above your head to keep the sperm in there, take it easy and wait for an hour. Don't urinate before then" she instructed as she pulled out all the stuff she stuck in me. 

There's really no turning back now.

She wiped again before standing up. " That's it darling, I'll give you guys a date to come back for check-up okay" she told me. After an hour, I got dressed and there was a knock on the door. She looked over to me and I nodded. "Come in" she called.

Mr Rude entered and looked at us. She wrote something down on a sheet and handed it over to him.

" On your way out, stop by the pharmacy and get these. It's really just vitamin supplements" she handed the prescription to him.

" Easy there Mrs Junaid, am sure you'll feel a little sore down there. Since you're a virgin, the delivery should be through CS" she said to me and I nodded.

" I hope it all goes well, that is all for today" she said to us. We thanked her and turned out to leave.

After we got out, I heaved out a sigh I never knew I was holding.

" Are you okay ?" Mr Rude asked, looking at me with a soft smile and I found myself melting into those dark orbs that I thought held nothing but anger, hatered and spite.

" Nafeesah" he called me and shook me a bit from my shoulder. I couldn't help but rewind that tone and way my name rolled out of his tongue. This was the very first time ever, Mr Rude called me by my name and I could swear I never knew my name sounds so good.

" Yeah am fine.  I can't believe I just did that, Like it's actually happening" I answered, saying the last part mostly to myself although he heard it clearly.

" Thank you" he replied with another smile.

" So he knows how to say thank you " I said to myself but he heard it anyway.

" Yes I do. Let's go" he answered plainly and got into the car.

That's the Mr Rude I know.

We got into the car and started the engine. " See I want you to be a bit comfortable around me. Judging by what the doctor said then this will be your first time of getting pregnant. So i want to know all details of any slight changes you see or feel okay" he said, looking at me with pleading eyes.

Deciding to toy with him a bit, I decided to throw my own question " have you ever gotten pregnant before?"

" Obviously No why?" He answered.

" Then why were you asking me to report to you?" I retorted.

" Because I would get you to the hospital faster dumbo" he answered, My mouth formed an 'Ohh' He shook his head and stepped on the pedal, zooming out of the hospital. 

He exited the building and I looked at it through the rearview mirror, one thought came to mind.

I am gonna be a mom!


She finally got the IUI 💃💃💃

Is it going to be successful?

Is she really a soon to be mom?

What do you think about this hidden side of Mr Rude?

Share your comments and tell me what you think about the chapters. Don't forget to vote too 😉

Much love ❤️ Nightingale ✍️

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