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Holla ❤️❤️

Hi beautiful people 😍 I just want to thank you guys for supporting this book even though I wasn't consistently updating it. Thank you so much I love you guys.

So I have a teensy weeny request 🙏🙏 Tag your friends please and for each tag you get a candy bar from me 😁😁 please tag all your friends and family, leave your comments and I'll always reply them and don't forget to vote it means alot to me. Thank you and I love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

So back to #fareesah 🥰


The ride back home was a quiet one, just the low breaths of the sleeping miss crazy and her occasional sighs. Why won't she hyperventilate when she had cried her whole soul out over some guy who by now has probably spent all of the money he earned from the movie.

I heard women become weird and exceptionally cranky when they are pregnant so imagine if your wife is already a weirdo before the pregnancy. She'll soon probably be crowned the queen of weirdos someday.

I pulled up at my house parking space, put off the car engine and picked up her bag before getting out of the car to the other side. One of the maids had rushed out and collected the bag from me with a " welcome sir" which I answered with a nod.

I opened the door and adjusted her disheveled veil before sliding my arm under her knees and the other to her back.   

I picked her up and instructed the maid to pick up her shoes, lock the car and give the keys to Mr. Rodriguez. I carried her quietly and gently to her room before placing her on her bed. Her eyes immediately flew open.

" What are you doing?" She shouted, wrapping her hands around herself in a protective manner.

" I should have wake you up instead of wasting my time and energy to bring your ungrateful self here" I fired back and her body somehow relaxed.

A light knock sounded from the door and we both whipped around our heads towards it. Must be the maid with her bag.

Taking that as my cue, I opened the door and left with a light hiss.

I took a long hot bath, performed ablution and prayed magrib and Isha before starting the conference call with Anabelle, marketing and executive directors.

It took about forty minutes and after that I decided to go downstairs for coffee.

I got to the sitting room and met her there. I sweeped my eyes from her head to her toes. She sat cross-legged on the sofa  trying to look as important as a five foot six inches person can be, shaking one of her foot impatiently.

Deciding not to comment, I gently walked past her into the kitchen and what she did next shocked me.

She burst into tears and sobs. Before I was able to process everything, she had become a crying mess. Even though we don't have the best of relationships, I hated to see her cry. Something in me tightened my chest whenever she cried.

I moved closer and patted her back. Maybe she really is lonely, Obviously she is because we've been here for five months now. I haven't been the best husband for her and sure needed to see her family and friends. That's why she's exceptionally emotional these days.

Why didn't I think it through? I ran my hands through my hair which is what I do whenever I have a flash of negative emotions.

" Stop crying okay. It'll be fine I'll do something about it" I wrapped one arm around her in a side hug and rubbed her arm to calm her down.

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