27. Antenatal ❤️

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The sound of my alarm forced me to roll over my back. I reached over to the nightstand for the third time this morning in a desperate attempt to hit the snooze button. I groaned as my tired hand touched and hit the phone, causing it to fall off the stand. Great, just great.

I leaned over the edge of the bed and blindly searched for the phone now ringing from the floor. When I found it and brought it back up, I was even more exhausted than before.

Few more minutes I told myself.

Then I hit the snooze one more time.

That was when the bedroom light flickered on. "Miha" Mrs Rodriguez called.

"Just some minutes" I answered with a groan.

"Wake up its 8:43am" she said with a light chuckle as she gently pulled the covers off me.

"Ok" I muttered and open my eyes.

"Gracias Miha I'll go get your breakfast served. Get ready and meet me downstairs" with that, she left.

I got out of bed and took my bath. I'm starting my Antenatal sessions today, maybe that was why i couldn't wake up early.

Even though I'm aware of the fact that I've been sleeping excessively due to the pregnancy stuff, today's sleep was different. That's one thing about sleep. You don't enjoy it much when you have nothing to do. It becomes exceptionally good when you have a schedule you want to meet up.

I got dressed in a gown as usual. You might have taken note of the fact that gowns are my thing, other clothes make me uncomfortable.

If you didn't, well now you do.

I wrapped the veil around my head and picked up my phone. I took one last look at the mirror, taking notes of how my body was changing. My chest and hips are fuller and the gown fitted perfectly. I would totally date myself. Damn!

My hand trailed up to my tummy and I whispered " Good morning Tesro." With that, I left for the sitting room.

He was sitting on one of the couches as usual doing God knows what on his laptop. I proceeded to the dining stuffed my face before going back to the sitting room. By then he had finished what he was doing and it looked like he was waiting for me.

"Ready?" He asked with a smile and took my hands in his. The feeling of his warm hand holding mine caused me to freeze in place. There was a feeling, a feeling that made me short of breath and my stomach became warm. I looked up at him to see him already staring at me a never-ending smile spread across his face.

I grew lost for a minute and maybe it's the raging hormonal changes from the pregnancy effects playing tricks on me but I grew lost on Mr Rude's smile. His smile is that of happiness growing, much as a spring flower blooms. I could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread around every part of him. A person smiles with more than their mouth. I heard it in his voice, choice of words and the way he relaxed. It was beautiful.

The feeling quickly vanished once his phone began to ring, causing him to shift his gaze somewhere. I blinked as he moved picked the call.

"Yes Anabelle" I heard him say.

That reminded me of the vixen, I almost forgot about her.

" I sent them to your mail" he said again.

He's the real definition of a workaholic. Everything's always about work. What happened to letting some steam off?

I groaned in frustration.

" What card? From who?" I heard him say again and for the very first time he was tensed. His demeanor had changed and he was anxious and angry. He looked like he could murder any living thing that came his way. But the emotion I would never go past in his face was fear. And like a flicker of light, it was all gone.

His expression was now stoic, leaving him cold as stone. He looked at me and muttered "let's go" so low, barely audible.

He left, with me silently trailing behind like a drenched puppy.


I dumped my purse on the bed and untied my veil. Today was life draining. My Antenatal session went well but everything else was shitty. He silently drove me to the hospital and when I thought he was coming with me, he drove off without any explanation. I don't know how he got the info but he came back when I finished and drove me back home.

I took out my phone and dialed husnah's number. In no time, she picked up with a loud squeal, making me instantly regretting why I called.

What's with girls and squealing really?

"Sheesh! Who put scorpion in your panties?" I hissed at her.

"Your therapist crazy" she yelled and I chuckled.

"I was just trying to call you. I have some top class info for you. You just can't believe it. Guess what? Dr Farhan just asked me out. I haven't said yes though. I don't want it to look like I've been aimlessly crushing on him all this while and he asking me out was like a dream come true you know" she ranted and the only thing that caught my attention was that he finally asked her out.

"I'm so happy for you dear" I said with a wide grin.

"Thanks sweetie" she replied.

" So what's up with your man? Please don't tell me there isn't any spark to lighten your love life" she asked, giving me a wary look.

"There isn't any Miss love expert" I replied with a sigh.

"If there isn't any then why do you sound like someone that stepped into cow dung" she gave me a wary look.

" There's nothing going on here and I sound that way because I'm tired." I answered and with that I ended the call.

But something deep inside of me didn't feel right. It's true that I'm tired and the fact that nothing of much importance is going on is also true but I don't know why I feel weird. Like I had told myself a lie.

Something just didn't feel right there was a tight feeling in my chest and i couldn't seem to get a hold of what was causing it. Maybe I needed some fresh air.

I got out of my room and for the third time I headed for Mr Rude's room after fidgeting for a while, I gave the door a light knock and after some sounds the door opened slightly.

"Come in" he muttered to my surprise and I entered with my heart beating dents against my chest.

His room was just like mine with the size and interior.

"Sit" he said, pointing to the chair at an angle. I proceeded and took a seat before exhaling the air I didn't know I was holding. Damn this guy has some weird kind of effect on me.

"Ermm.... I was thinking, if you can let me go out with Mrs Rodriguez... Ermm... Staying all alone and indoors is starting to.... Ermm get suffocating so I was hoping you'll let me get some fresh air" I shuttered.

Damn dumbo where's your confidence my subconscious scolded.

Not my fault though, these days I can't seem to keep up my tough act around him anymore since the little forehead kiss in the hospital.

"No" he answered and my heart sank into sheer abyss.

"I'll take you myself tomorrow make a list of places you want to go" he added and I heaved a sigh of relief.

" Thank you" I muttered and he nodded.

"How was the Antenatal?"

" It was fine" I answered and then left.

Hi lovelies ❤️ a new chapter. Tell me what you think about it.

Do you really believe nothing going on between those two?

Congratulations to Husnah and Dr Fahad too.

Much love ❤️ Nightingale ✍️

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