28. THE DATE ❤️

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Hello everyone 👋

It's been months since I last showed my face here and I cannot begin to apologise. I was dealing with life issues 😔 mostly school. I needed to take a break from writing and focus on school. I'm very sorry I left you guys hanging and I hope you pick up the story again.

Tag your friends to join the ride with us 😁 in hope you continue to enjoy Farhan and Nafeesah #fareesah❤️❤️ moments

Nafeesah POV

It was a brisk cold day, the sun was starting to set. I could feel the chilling breeze through my clothes as I walked towards his car with a sulky face.

Amongst all the places i listed, Mr Rude only approved one, Which was a movie theater. Claiming the rest were too dangerous for the Baby.

I agreed though, I was too bored to stay at home. After all half bread is better than none.

I got to the car and my stomach did a little flip. Probably from the rush of anticipation and nervousness.

I tried to regain my composure before placing my slightly trembling hands on the car doorknob.

I opened the car and got in, I was greeted with the familiar warmth as I stepped into it and closed the door. The warmth of his presence like a golden light from a winter sun, his sweet unique scent invaded my nose. I adjusted my sitting position and looked up to find his eyes glaring daggers at me.

" Why are you looking at me like you'd feed me to the cannibals?" I asked with a wary look.

" You'd taste like laziness" he replied and I scoffed.

" There's nothing special about your dressing so why did it take you forty minutes to dress up?" He added and drove out of the parking lot.

"Can I have coffee?" I asked in a low tune.

" No. Bad for the baby" he replied with his eyes glued to the road ahead.

"Ice cream?" I asked again.

He sighed and pulled up at an ice cream stand.

"How many scoops do you want?"

"Like five" I blurted out.

"You mean you can eat five scoops of ice cream?" He half shouted in fright.

"Okay maybe three will do" I replied in a low tune. I also didn't know why I said five but I felt like I'd be able to eat that much.

He got out of the car and came back with a cup of vanilla, strawberry and cookie flavored icecream.

" I forgot to ask you what flavor so I got different ones" his focus back to the road ahead.

We made a stop at a restaurant named 'La Crispeta' first and both walked into the building, Giving the doorman a smile. It wasn't too populated and I liked that there wasn't too much people to dish weird stares at the Nigerian hijabi. Being in Spotlights are not my thing.

A pretty waitress came over to our table.
"Senior, seniora Bienvenida a nuestro restaurante" she said with a beaming smile, which accentuated her already prominent dimples.

He wanted to reply but I beat him to it.

" Hi do you mind speaking English?" I asked her with a smile.

" Ohh sure. Lady and gentleman you're welcome to La Crispeta restaurant. Do you want water, mocktail or juice?" She said, her heavy Spanish accent evident in her English.

"I'd like water she'll have orange juice" he answered her before she bowed and left.

"What if I didn't want orange juice?" I scoffed.

"You interjected when I wanted to talk moments ago. Pay back time" he answered then kept his gaze to his tablet.

She came back with two glasses, placing the orange juice before me and water before him. Carefully placing the menus by the side.

" You can have that while you shuffle through the menu, if you've concluded on your choice or you have a question press this button and I'll be back" she said, pointing at a little green button in the middle of the table.

After a few minutes, he pressed the button and she came back to take our orders.

"I'll have shrimp ceviche as appetizer, vegetarian lasagne as main dish, then coffee for dessert" he read out and placed the menu on the table.

She scribbled some notes down on her little pad and then turned to me.  

"I'll have garlic seasoned chicken wings as appetizer, vegetarian lasagne as main dish and chocolate mousse as desert" I ordered and handed my menu back to her.


We got to the cinema just in time for the movie to start. Even though we were in Spain, I still wanted to watch an American movie so we chose a movie titled 'The Fault In Our Stars' We started watching and guess what he did throughout.

That man left me to watch the movie myself, claiming he had a business call and came back when the movie was about to end.

Seriously who does that?

By then, we were at the scene where Hazel was reading the eulogy and I had almost cried my whole eyes out.

"Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked as he took my hands in his.

" Augustus died" I answered amidst silent sobs.

"Who's Augustus?" He asked again, his voice now calmer and laced with worry.

"The guy in the movie" I replied and he almost choked on his saliva.

"You're crying this hard because of a guy in a movie? You're unbelievable" he sighed, gave me his handkerchief and sat down next to me to complete the movie. I cried till the end of the movie and even when leaving the theater. I don't know if it was really the movie or the pregnancy hormones was playing tricks with me, I just couldn't stop myself from crying. So I continued to let it pour.

We got out and it was chiller I had to hug myself, rubbing my arms with my palms to generate some heat.

We hurriedly got into our car and he turned on the heater.

"You're feeling better?" He asked quizzically and I could only reply with a nod, heaving multiple sighs.

He took out some tissues from a tissue box on his dashboard and turned on his seat to face me before proceeding to wipe the remaining tears on my face. " Crying doesn't suit you" he chuckled at my tear stained face.

There was silence as I fiddled with the ring on my finger. I raised my eyes and met his staring directly at my face.

His stare was getting me nervous. His eyes moved downwards slowly and settled on my lips.

Were my eyes playing tricks on me? Was it really my imagination or was he really leaning forward? Was it the car heater or was his warm minty breath really fanning my face? I couldn't really say because a moment later my phone started to ring and the imaginary bubble between us bursted.

Or let me say, my little party of delusion ended.


Holla muchachas ❤️❤️❤️ who missed them? I did really 😁 it's been long and words can't express how happy I am writing this chapter. Once again forgive me for not writing for long.

Love from Nightingale ✍️

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