Chapter 1

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Deep breaths Sydney, deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. I repeat this over and over in my head, closing my eyes and attempting to drown out the stadium. Gabby is on my lap tapping away on my phone while the rest of our friends and family mildly pay attention to the match going on in front of us. The arena is packed, at least 12,000 people fill the seats all waiting to see who will win tonight's matches. Matt has even more eyes on him tonight going for his 4th championship win, the first person to win 4 championships in Penn State history. Between the people in the stands and the thousands watching and streaming at home I don't know how he does it, but then again Matt never really cared about all the attention.

When Matt accepted Penn State at first nothing changed. His instagram following went up a little but it wasn't anything too crazy. By the time we got to campus in the fall Matt had gone from a little over 1,300 followers when I met him junior year to about 5,000. Still nothing crazy. Then he won his first march, and kept winning. By the end of our second year Matt had 2 NCAA wrestling individual titles, 2 team titles, 40,000 instagram followers, and a lot more attention. Now as he closes out his college wrestling career, he has close to 90,000 instagram followers and is verified. But he never pays it any mind or lets the pressure get to him. Me on the other hand? I am a wreck.

I sigh as the match in front of me ends. I am in the first row of folding chairs about 10 feet from the platform the mat is on. Matt is still in the locker room with Coach Sanderson I twitch anxiously knowing any moment he will text me. Sanderson learned early on that Matt wrestles better when he gets to see me before his match. Now we have a system: they warm up, 5 minutes before walk out Matt texts me, I go see him for a few minutes to help him settle down and focus, then I go back to my seat and he walks out and wrestles. It is a great system and after 4 years and numerous matches the system has become routine.

I notice my phone vibrate the same time Gabby shifts in my lap to look up at me. She is shooting me the sad puppy dog eyes and I know she wants to come with me, but selfishly I want my moment alone with Matt. I love Gabby with my whole heart, I would do anything for her, but this is my special moment with him. "Gabby baby can I have my phone?"

"Here," she pouts, shoving it toward me.

"The day is almost over then we can all go out to dinner and lay in the hotel room watching cartoons ok?" She nods still a little sad but less so than a moment before. "Can you go sit with Aunt lil princess," I ask softly as I scoot her off my lap.

Lily's eyes light up at the mention of her name and she reaches for Gabby who climbs into Lily's lap with a sweet giggle. I get up and laugh as Gabby bombards Aunt Lily with questions about her now Blue hair. Though Lily isn't actually Gabbys aunt about 4 hours after she was born Lily was at the hospital in a number 1 aunt shirt proclaiming the title. Knowing there was no arguing with her we all conceded and just went with it.

"Tell our boy good luck," Nick yells to me as I walk past him and Celia to the locker room. I smile and try to contain my nervous excitement as I practically run to where Matt is waiting for me.

The second I see him all self control is lost as I launch myself into his arms. In true Matt fashion he catches me and swings me around, his face nuzzles into my neck. "Hi love," he greets breathlessly.

"Hi," I say back in barely a whisper. We fall into a trance lost in each other's eyes for a moment and I nearly gasp as his nearly overflow with the love they hold for me. "Are you excited," I ask, feeling overwhelmed by his stare suddenly.

"I am nervous." Matt has set me down now one arm around my waist the other rubbing his neck. The nervous habit I grew so fond of over the years melts me yet again.

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