Chapter 38

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*Matt POV*

"2am to 3am, 3am to 4am, 4am to oh fuck it this is stupid." I have been lying awake for hours attempting to sleep. Just when I think I am about to fall asleep some intrusive thought takes over. I have tried turning the fan on, opening the windows, getting another blanket, flipping my pillow, I even lifted Malcolm up into bed and tried to use him as a pillow. Nothing is fucking working.

"So much for tradition," I whisper to Malcolm who is sound asleep next to me before walking to my closet to find a pair of sweatpants. I throw on sweats and a sweater and slip out of my room. Before leaving I leave a note in the kitchen that someone needs to walk Malcolm and feed him breakfast.

I drive over to Sydney's feeling like I am driving home, a familiar drive I have done so many times I don't even need to think. My plan was to park in front of the garage and climb onto the roof but Aaron and Annies small cars are parked side by side and too low to make the jump.

I pick up a few pebbles and launch them at Sydney's window. I think about calling her or just using my key and walking in but that isn't fun. Before we were dating and our parents were cool with our sleepovers I would sneak over this way constantly.

"Matt," Sydney hisses, opening the window.

"Hi love," I smile happily waving to her.

"You aren't supposed to see me," she scolds.

"Since when are we two people who care about something like that?"

"Need help up," she smiles, not even trying to pretend we are the type. We never have been and we never will be.

"Do you think the porch railing can hold me?"

"Not sure but I think we are about to find out." I climb onto the porch railing and reach up and manage to grab onto the roof. It is a little bit more difficult to pull myself up than it is jumping from my car but I manage. Once I am on the roof I walk to Sydney's window and climb through. I barely have my feet on the ground before she launches herself into my arms with a quiet giggle like we just did something so scandalous. In 12 hours she will be my wife but holding her here in her dark room giggling like kids it feels like no time has passed.

"Happy wedding day," I say against her lips before fully kissing her. As natural and thoughtless as breathing she wraps her arms around me and into my hair. The feeling of her nails grazing my scalp sends shivers down my spine like away. I walk us backwards to the bed and lay her down gently, our lips still attached.

When we finally break apart breathlessly we just smile at each other in the darkness. "I love you Satan."

"I love you too Barbie, night my girl." I throw my sweater on the ground and pull her to my chest. We are both asleep within minutes. I knew I could sleep if she was next to me.

In the morning I wake up first so I go downstairs to get coffee for us. "Shocker," Annie teases the second I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning to you too Annie," I smirk, grabbing two mugs and making us coffee.

I run to my car quickly before grabbing the coffees and heading back into Sydney's room. It is 8am but we both have our wedding parties showing up at 9am so I know I can't stay long. Putting all the stuff down on the nightstand I crawl back into bed and kiss Sydney's head. "Wakie time babe," I say softly trying to nicely wake her.

"Shut up you demon," she groans, slapping her hand over my mouth. Even on our wedding day still not a morning person, noted.

After a few minutes of feathering kisses all over her face she finally wakes up and I hand her her coffee. I know better than to try to talk to her before her morning coffee. "You may speak now," she sighs, clutching her coffee.

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