Chapter 11

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Last night's drive from D.C. to New York was the smoothest drive Matt and I have had since we moved. Matt drove me to work yesterday morning and spent the day packing up the car and getting the house in order. When I got off work he picked me up with Malcolm in the back, threw me a change of clothing and we were off. I changed in the back seat, before climbing up front with him. We stopped and grabbed a dinner to go from the restaurant through. I know secretly Matt only did that so he could check in one last time before we are gone for 4 days. Once we have our food and Matt goes over a few details with everyone we finally hit the road. The 4 hour drive is nearly traffic free which is unheard of especially on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. We timed it right and managed to only stop once for Malcolm to go potty while we stretched our legs for a minute.

In college when we got back to New York for the holidays Matt would always drop me off at home before heading to his own house. We usually weren't home for long since Matt's wrestling schedule was super demanding so we both decided the few times a year we were home we'd stay at our own houses and enjoy the solo family time. I wonder if we will keep up this system once we are married or even when we have kids. It's a system we have kept even now that we are engaged so I would assume we'd keep it even married but with kids? How do we decide where the kids stay? I brush off the thoughts that have no bearing on my life at the moment and snuggle into Matt.

Yeah I know I just said we use our time home to stay at our own houses and 99% of the time that's true but not today. Today while also being Thanksgiving is more importantly Matts 23rd birthday. He offered to bring me home but I couldn't not be with Matt on his birthday. Since he turned 17 I have been the first person to say Happy Birthday to him and I wasn't missing that for anything.

I slink out of Matts bed, the same bed from high school that holds more memories than I thought were possible when I was that young. Our daily schedule is so ingrained in my mind that even though we don't have plans until 10am I am up at 7am. Even I am shocked with myself considering we got home early enough last night to hit the bar with some friends and didn't get home until well past 1am.

I head to the bathroom and freshen up; brushing my teeth and my hair, washing my face, and changing into something a little cuter than last nights underwear and the ratty old t shirt I plucked from Matts closet. You know it's a really crappy shirt because it got left behind when we moved to Penn State and when we moved the DC. I decide to steal one of Matt's tight black wife beaters which is a tad loose on me but its ribbed material still shows my curves and the very clear fact I am not wearing a bra. I pair it with a pair of lace trimmed cheekster underwear that shows just enough ass that I know Matt will approve.

After I freshen up I clean up the room after last night's...activities and get Matts gifts out. This year was a lot harder than most to buy for him. I decided to get him new cufflinks, since he has been wearing dress shirts lately, and a new apple watch, since his is pretty banged up and scratched. I am not thrilled with the gifts usually, I like things way more sentimental but I did get the cufflinks engraved with our initials on one and the date we started dating on others.

A decide since Matt is nicely sleeping to get a little work done in bed before he wakes up. He has been so busy lately and under quite a bit of stress. I know I haven't exactly helped with that. After Halloween I was furious with Matt for even inviting Amber without asking me and even more furious for her outfit choice. The next day I also found out she had been coming over and walking Malcolm and I went nuclear on him. He handled it pretty gracefully and didn't even bother fighting about it. The next day we hired a dog walker and Amber was relieved of her dog walking duties. I still wasn't satisfied and had a cleaning service come and clean our entire house. It didn't sit right with me that this random girl with no sense of boundaries or respect for my relationship, had free range of my entire house. The last few days have been the most normal days since Halloween and I am finally letting go of all the anger about the situation. I know Matt meant well but our lack of communication sometimes gets us both in the trouble. Something we have learned many times over in our relationship.

Living with Handsome Satan (book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें