Chapter 33

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*Matts POV*

"Is that a good idea," TJ asks as I clean up after my last client.

"Why not," I ask, throwing the sanitizing wipe in the trash and grabbing my phone from where I left it.

"Isn't your wedding coming up?"

"Yeah, it's in 45 days," I tell him proudly. Unlike the last countdown I had on my phone this one excites me way more than the last one did.

"You know what? Do you kid."

"I will," I tell him before grabbing my stuff from the office and head out to my bike. My poor bike. I got a new bike shortly after the whole kidnapping thing because apparently no one thought to put the kickstand up before kidnapping us. Little rude if you ask me but anyways I got this bike shortly after and not after 6 years it's clear it has seen better days. I know I should get a new one but this one has so many memories. It is the one that I rode in high school and college, it moved to DC with me, I taught Sydney how to ride on this bike, she got her motorcycle license on this bike; so many memories.

"Buddy you have seen better days," I say to my scratched up bike as I start it and head towards home. I am still working out but for now I have told my trainers I am not training and that I need time. That time being me wanting to know what the specialist says this weekend. From there I will decide if I should spend time attempting a run at another Olympics. By then I will be 27 months shy of being 28 which is older already for Olympic wrestlers.

I ride home, shower and change into dress pants and a button down. I quickly walk Malcolm and give him some love before heading to the restaurant. I have to give Amber props, in July I pretty much checked out and stopped doing my job and she completely took over without a complaint. I owe her a really big thank you and a raise honestly.

"Hey Matt," she waves as she hustles past me.

I don't bother responding because she's already gone and head into the office. I spend god knows how long doing work and getting everything back to the way I like it. Amber did good but she does things differently so it takes me a while to get all the past stuff reorganized and also figure out what went on here while I was gone.

Once everything is set in the office I head to the kitchen and check on the chefs. Chefs are very sensitive so it is important I make sure I occasionally stroke their egos from time to time. Both my moms have taught me that growing up. They both would praise my dad's cooking as if it is that difficult for a trained chef to make grilled chicken. But they both told me they had to do it sometimes otherwise he would have a breakdown, so I took that and carried it over to the chefs here.

"Hey guys," I greet walking into the kitchen that smells like heaven. " It smells incredible in here by the way."

A chorus of people answer, all taking credit for the great smell and showing me different dishes. I make it a point to praise every dish shoved toward me, really stroking their egos. "I could never make something like that," I say looking at a burger that is being handed to a table. I can, I mean my dad taught me how to cook. I may not have gone to culinary school but when a world renowned chef is your dad you are a decent cook anyways.

After a bit more ego stroking I finally leave hoping to get home before Sydney. She ends up beating me home but I don't mind because the second I open the front door she is bouncing down the steps and launching herself into my arms.

"Hi gorgeous," I say while wrapping my arms securely around her.

"Hi," she cheerfully replies, her legs wrapped around my waist and arms around my neck. I take a second to take in how cute she looks before leaning in and kissing her.

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