Epilogue- Part 2

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"Good morning my girl," Matt greets as I come down the stairs. I am greeted with flowers everywhere and red heart balloons and a huge breakfast spread across the dining room table. Matt is so extra but the effort he puts in always makes me feel so special and loved.

"Good morning handsome," I reply, walking over and kissing him. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"And anniversary."

"Do we still celebrate that now that we are married?"

"Yeah why not, it was a great day."

"I was so clueless that day," I say remembering the day Matt asked me out 7 years ago. He had been dropping hints that it was coming and yet when it did happen I stood there so confused. Truly a blonde moment for me.

"I tried to make it so obvious," Matt laughs as he pulls out my seat for me. Since we found out I was pregnant I haven't had to pull out a chair, cook, open a door, or basically anything else if Matt is around. I am basically treated like a princess and while sometimes I wish he would relax, I know it comes from a place of pure love so I rarely tell him to stop.

"Listen, I am carrying your child. Be nice to me," I tease. As soon as I say your child Matt is literally a puddle. Squatting next to my chair he rubs my small bump. I am 20 weeks but I still don't really have that round bump yet. Sometimes it just looks more like I am bloated than pregnant but watching it slowly grow has been so incredible and seeing Sashas bump and knowing that will be me soon makes me excited.

"How is the little one today," Matt coos, lifting his shirt I am wearing to kiss when our baby's head was during the last ultrasound we went to. I run my fingers through Matt's soft hair as he continues to ask our little one how they are.

"I love you," I sigh watching my husband; overwhelmed with our life. I won the jackpot with this one and our baby is going to be so damn lucky when they're born.

"I love you," Matt smiles looking up at me. I am pretty sure if you google real life heart eyes a picture of Matt right now would pop up. I never imagined one day someone would look at me so in love with me and only me but here I am.

Finally he sits and we begin to eat. Matt eats with one hand while his other rubs my stomach. He is waiting to feel a kick. I felt the first kick at 17 weeks which was almost a month ago but Matt has yet to feel. Our baby is calm which is ironic considering we aren't, and only kicks every once in a while and Matt always misses it. At first I was worried that the baby wasn't kicking a lot but my amazing doctor Maggie assured me that it was nothing to worry about. Now I just want Matt to experience it. Everytime I tell him he missed it again he tries not to let the disappointment show but it still breaks my heart. I actually cried the other night when Matt missed it while getting me a snack from the kitchen, I felt so guilty I asked him to get me food and he yet again missed it.

"What do you want to do today," I ask Matt as we both continue to eat.

"Find out the gender," Matt says. He wants to know so badly but I am not sure if I want to know or let it be a surprise. Originally I wanted to know but then Sasha and Aaron said they weren't finding out and everyone was like that's the best way to do it so now the answer sits locked away in the nursery mocking me daily.

"Matt," I whine. "I still don't know if I want to know."

"You do thought, you wanted to know for 2 months and then suddenly Sasha doesn't want to know and everyone is like oh that's the best way to do it and now you don't want to? Sydney if you want to know like I know you do forget what other people think is best."

He is right. I do want to know. I want to know so badly so I can buy cute little outfits and we can pick names but I have never had a kid before and everyone says waiting until the baby is born is the best way. I shift uncomfortably in my seat trying to decide. "I just... I don't know."

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