Chapter 14

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Matt has been kind of weird lately. And by that I mean sometimes I don't even know who this man is. Christmas is less than a week away and for some reason I have yet to figure out we are at an ice skating rink ice skating... with Grant. Just the three of us.

I am not sure when he went from finding him the most annoying person in the world to constantly wanting him around but I have just about had my fill with Grant. He is always around. I see him all day at work, then Matt invites him over for dinner, or to meet for drinks, on top of that Matt has been preaching about supporting my team including going to all Grants weekend soccer games, and if seeing Grant 6 days a week was not bad enough every time I plan something for Matt and I he tries to find a way to include Grant.

I think I pushed him too far. Maybe my constant demand for him to be nicer to Grant and make him feel more included lead to this? It would far from be the first time Matt tried to please me and over compensated for a small criticism.

But at the same time Matt isn't one to be fake either. He would not randomly go from not being able to stand Grant to being his bestie just because I told him to be nice. Fuck I tell him to be nice all the time and 100% of the time he ignores me. Why would he suddenly start listening and change his attitude about Grant seemingly out of the blue?

"Sydney, help," Grant whines as children skate past him laughing at this adult clinging to the wall.

"Grant, just let go of the wall you'll be fine."

"I don't know if you've watched me play soccer recently but my athletic ability doesn't really exist."

I can't argue there. The Homeland soccer team is getting absolutely murdered. The team has scored a total of 3 goals, one on themselves, and won a total of zero games. It's not all Grant's fault but the way he yips everyone the ball comes at him sure isn't helping.

I look around for Matt and find him skating quietly on his own. He has been weird lately. Besides pretty much having us adopt Grant as our son he has been distant and clingy all at the same time. Like now for example he is distant, we got here and he went off on his own leaving me alone with Grant. If he has said 4 words to us since we got here that would be a lot. But this morning we were laying in bed and he was holding me and whispering how I am the best thing in his life and how he is so lucky he met me. He is constantly going from hot to cold. On top of that he has all but stopped helping me plan the wedding. He gives no input and anytime I ask for help he either forgets or just straight up says he doesn't want to help. Add in the fact he has been going out alone with friends more without me and drinking more and I can't help but to feel we are slipping apart.

"Grant, will you be ok alone for a few minutes?" I feel bad leaving him but I love ice skating and I have barely moved since we got on the ice.

"Yeah go skate I am going to ice my now bruised ass."

I giggle still not used to sweet little Grant curing and then skate off. I do a few laps alone enjoying skating before slowing down next to Matt. "Hey stranger, need a buddy?"

"Where is the little guy?"

I hold back an eye roll. Grant isn't our child but somehow I feel like we are his parents lately. "Icing his butt."

"He isn't very good at skating."

"Are you surprised? Have you seen him play soccer?"

Matt tries to bite back a laugh but soon he's doubled over in laughter. "The ball came at his head and he literally dropped to the ground and screamed. I literally had to walk away to keep from laughing while we watched."

Now I am laughing too thinking about the scene from yesterday's game. Grant balled up like a turtle in the middle of the field while the other team sprinted after the ball. "I feel bad he is really trying."

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