Chapter 12

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*Matts POV*

"I am so so sorry"

"Stop apologizing Sydney."

"You keep saying that but that isn't making me feel less horrible Matt."

My poor girl is all bundled up in my passenger seat on the verge of tears. I have been trying to comfort her all morning since her boss called and said he needed her home immediately but it doesn't seem to be working.

"Baby I told you Malcolm and I could come home tonight after my doctor's appointment if you want."

"No," she shouts miserably while eyeing the track where her train will be pulling in any moment. "I don't want to ruin your family time too! Its bad enough I am ruining everyone's weekend plans to wedding dress shop. Your mom and everyone else rearranged their plans to come shopping with me and now I'm bailing. I don't want to ruin your time home seeing everyone too."

"You aren't bailing. Everyone understands you can't help that work called and they need you back urgently." Sydney got the call less than an hour ago that there was a huge breakthrough on something her team has been working on for months and they needed her back as soon as possible. Naturally she packed up all her things and booked the next train back. She arranged for Cara to pick her up and got everything in order to get back to work as quickly as possible. It wasn't until 15 minutes ago as we said goodbye and walked out the door that this wave of guilt and sadness hit her.

"I know work is important, I know this is important, but I don't want to go. I had so many plans that are getting messed up. I am not even sure everyone who was supposed to come dress shopping with me will be able to come next time."

The train horn sounds in the distance and I hop out of the car and run around to her door to open it. She still looks miserable as she slinks out and I open the back door to grab her duffle bag. I grab her hand and squeeze it tightly. I'm not going to lie, I hate her going back alone as much as she hates leaving.

"Ill miss you," she whispers softly giving me her sweet puppy dog eyes.

"I can come home tonight after my appointment," I remind her for the fourth time. She shakes her head and we walk quietly to the train that just pulled in.

I pull her into a tight hug and kiss her roughly. "Text me when you get there and make sure you lock all the doors and set the alarm when you get home tonight. I love you so much Sydney I'll be home Sunday right after the wrestling meet."

"I'll be ok Matt," she assures me but it does nothing for my nerves.

As she boards the train and it leaves the station my chest physically hurts. It's rare Sydney and I are apart at all and never in our 5 and a half years together has she been alone in a different state without me, her parents, or Malcolm. Not that I think our neighborhood in D.C. is unsafe I know it's a safe area but everyone being so far from her definitely is going to make this a really long weekend.

When I get in the car I question if I should call coach and cancel. I had originally offered to attend sundays wrestling meet give some of the high school guys from my old school some pointers and just cheer them on. Coach was thrilled and honestly at first I was super excited to go. The man gave me my entire career and I can't thank him enough for that ever. But now? I just want to get home as soon as possible and a silly high school match seems more like a burden than anything else.

I push off the idea of canceling knowing Sydney will kick my ass and drive over to the gym. My doctors appointment isn't for another 3 hours and I could use a distraction.

Pulling into the gym a little while later feels so right. I look over to Sydney's unofficial official parking spot and half expect to see her Jeep parked there. But it's not and another wave of anxiety hits me as I think about her alone the next few days.

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