Chapter 9

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"So Matt really got that venue that was booked for like years?"

"Yes! Cara I literally have no idea how he did it but our wedding planner called like two days ago and started talking about if we wanted an open bar, the venue's capacity, and all this other stuff and I had no idea what she was talking about."

"What happened to the venue you guys booked last month when you were home for Labor day?"

"No idea he won't tell me anything. All he said was that everything was taken care of."

"Want me to dig around and find out what he did," Josh offers while collecting all our garbage from lunch.

"I am good," I chuckle. As much as I am curious what magic Matt used to secure the venue I don't need a federal agent to snoop around in his life. If I really wanted to know so badly I would just ask him myself. The best thing about our relationship is the trust we have. I know we've had rocky moments and we've both stupidly kept things from each other but I will never question our loyalty and honesty to each other.

"I am gonna be honest," sweet little Grant pipes up. "Matt scares me". His transition glasses are dark since we are sitting outside enjoying one of the last few warm days of the year, so I can't see his eyes but I know he is being serious.

"Why," I ask, giving him a small pouty lip. Not that I don't think Matt can be extremely intimidating before you get to know him but Grant has met him before.

"He could literally snap me like a tooth pick! I mean ok so could all three of you but he's so tall and not socially awkward. Also the wrestling team and I didn't really get along in high school so all wrestlers scare me now."

"Grantie you should work out with us sometime. I swear I will go easy on you." Cara shoots me a wink and I cover my mouth to hide my laugh. I worked out with Cara once, I could not walk for the entire weekend after. She is one tough cookie.

"Cara do I look stupid to you?" I bit back a laugh because as brilliant as Grant is sometimes he is such an airhead. The contrasting personalities on our team are pretty funny to watch from the outside. You have Grant who is this tiny little nerd with transition glasses who is so smart but also sometimes you question how he survives on his own. Cara is a strong loud badass who is not to be messed with, but also she is insanely funny. Josh is the quiet and cold type, everything he says is carefully calculated, but he is also extremely thoughtful and caring. And then me the little preppy girl who looks like a bitch, and yeah sometimes I can be, but don't let the good looks fool you I can hold my own.
"Grant, didn't you run into the glass door literally this morning?" Josh doesn't usually join our joking and banter but when he does it is always hysterical.

"Josh you're a meanie head! My glasses hadn't changed back from sunglasses yet and it was hard to see! It could happen to anyone!" Grant is now full on pouting like a child, arms crossed as we all get out stuff together to head back inside. I have been at Homeland for about 3 months now and the 4 of us have fallen into a perfect routine.

We roate who buys coffee everyday, the coffee person getting to come in a little later as a sort of thank you. At 12:45 we begin to wrap up whatever we are doing, and by 1pm we are making our way either to the cafeteria or the outdoor lunch tables to eat. Usually we all pack lunch or order something from the cafeteria, occasionally we walk down the block and order from the food truck. At 1:55 Josh cleans up our garbage like the dad he is while the rest of us get our things ready. We all walk up stairs together and begin working again at exactly 2pm. Once a month we grab lunch at one of the restaurants nearby and then usually Josh lets us head home early that day. 

We are just as organized when it comes to our work, each person silently knowing their role along with everyone else's strengths and weaknesses. I used to be embarrassed to ask for help not wanting to think I was not capable of doing my job but with Josh's help I've realized I was being ridiculous. Not everyone can do everything hence why we work in teams.

Living with Handsome Satan (book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora