Chapter 51

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Anastasia Rayne

Russia was my home country but it had never been home. Although coming back here after almost five years, memories couldn't help flashing back into my head. This country was a bitter sweet place that I knew I would never be able to forget.

Father sent one of his men to collect me from the airport. The man in black drove me through the city and out into the place that I despised all my life. The grand mansion of father was built in the middle of gigantic trees making it looked like a magical castle among the nature.

But, there was no such thing I could recall as magical here. All memories were nothing but coldness filled with hatred, blood on my hands for the first time, the place I watched him kill my mother and where he ruined me then shaped me into a killing machine.

" Welcome home. It's been so long, Anastasia dear. " Rose Mary, my bitchy step mother greeted with a smile on her face.

My eyes wandered down to her swollen belly with no emotion as my lips pressed into a thin line. She was pregnant with my half sibling and I couldn't help but pitied the innocent child that was carrying my father's blood. I pitied the baby that it might go through the same thing he put me through and I feared it wouldn't be able to handle it.

" Congratulations on your pregnancy. Get out of my fucking face. " I grunted walking passed her into the mansion.

Father was in his office, as predicted. He sat in his throne just liked the last time I had seen him before he sent me on a suicide mission. He raised his champagne glass into the air with a smirk on his face as I walked into the room.

" Where is my fucking daughter? " I gritted my teeth slamming my hands on his desk.

He chuckled shaking his head and put the glass away before looking at me. " I sent you to kill them but instead you mixed our blood with theirs. "

" I was so disappointed in you at first, Anastasia. Then I came to a realization that this child might be the end to them all. Little Madeline will be the greatest motivation you will need in order to finish your mission without hesitation. " he said grinning like a maniac he was.

" Now, the question is who do you love more? The bastard Nicholas or your daughter? "

He opened his drawer, taking out an ipad and slide it across the table. I stared at the image of my little Madeline tied up on chair inside a dark basement. Her face stained with tears, making my heart hurt for my daughter fearing her life. I zoomed into the picture scanning the red marks and cuts on her body. They hurt my daughter.

Breath sucked in my throat, my legs gave up as the numbing pain shot through my heart, body fell onto the chair nearby, I looked up at him with such disgust I had never felt toward anyone before. This same man I called my father all my life was so incredibly cruel that he was willing to use his own granddaughter as a leverage to kill his enemies.

He was asking me to kill the father of my child, the only man I had ever loved. Madeline would hate me forever for killing her dad.

" You will kill the Salvatore's, if you want your daughter back in one piece. " he said cocking an eyebrow at me.

" Tell me the plan. " I muttered silently looking blankly into spaces, making him grinned in satisfaction.

I took a cab back from that dreadful mansion, not wanting to stay another minute in there with him. Staring out the cab's window, I watched the trees passing before fading away as we drove away back into the city. I dialed Tanisha's number on my phone before pressing it to my ears listening to the beeps as I wait patiently.

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