Road Home

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Levi's POV...

"Levi, sweetheart! Are you sure about this?" My mum asks me. She's trying to help me navigate around the house. I can tell that she's worried about me. I didn't tell her how low I've been feeling, and watching me limp around with a crutch again proves how living here without Charlotte has affected me in a bad way.

"Yes, mum, I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life," I answer her.

Landon booked me the first flight he could find to Boston. There was just one stop I needed to make first, I needed to see my mum, she had something with her that I needed before I left England.

The flight from Heathrow to Boston feels like it's taking centuries. My nerves are making my leg spasms return and there isn't enough leg room between the seats for me to stretch or massage my leg. My knee is barely stable enough to hold my weight at this point and I'd be daft to think I could walk up and down the aisle without falling on my face.

I ask the flight attendant for a cocktail because it's the only thing that might calm me down. I'm anxious to see her, anxious to know how she feels, scared that she'll be upset with me for coming. Maybe she really doesn't want to see me? I can't stop thinking about her surgery and all of the risks involved. I shouldn't have left, I should've known about this and been with her this whole time. I'm so stupid! Why didn't she trust me enough to tell me? I'm never leaving her again!

She's going to be so disappointed when she sees me using my crutch, why did I skip PT? What's wrong with me? This plane needs to fly faster.

I suck down two drinks before closing my eyes and forcing myself to take a nap before I have a panic attack on this damn airplane.

Finally, we land in Boston and I catch an Uber to the hospital Nate told me she's staying at.

I hate the smell and feel of hospitals. I don't have any good memories about being in a hospital. The front lobby directs me to Charlotte's room. She's on the fifth floor, room 514.

My head is spinning and I feel as though I might faint. Worry is overwhelming me. My stomach's queazy knowing how sick Charlotte's been. I lean against the corner of the elevator in case I have the urge to collapse. I need her to be okay, I need her to be safe, and I need her to make it through the surgery.

The fifth floor looks like any other hospital wing. Plain walls, cold air, nurses and machines everywhere. I'm shaking uncontrollably on the inside, I'm so nervous to find out what will happen when I enter room 514. It's a good thing I brought my crutch because there's no telling what my left leg is going to do. I'm surprised no one's asked me if I need a wheelchair after noticing how awkward I'm walking.

Her door is slightly open so I slowly push it open a little more until I see her tiny body wrapped in covers, lying on the bed. She's facing the opposite way from me, thank goodness. She's wearing a pink beanie on her head covering her hair.

I walk into her room, my body still quivering and she turns her head around to face me when she hears my crutch touch the floor.

"Levi!...What are you doing here?" Her voice squeaks.

"I...I'm here for you, my Love," I stutter. I feel the tears in my eyes, but I force them to keep from falling. She looks so frail, I just want to hold her.

I'm frozen near her door looking at her, waiting for her to get mad at me or something. I didn't expect her to sit up and reach her arms out for me. I'm awestruck and my body doesn't know how to react.

"It's ok Levi! Come here," she says to me.

I fully lean onto my crutch and limp over to her. Her eyes look sad as she examines me. I've failed her, I know. I reach her arms and she grabs hold of my hands with hers, pulling me to stand right in front of her.

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