My Place

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Charlotte's POV...

We spend the next day at Levi's flat so we can kill some time before our evening flight back to Boston.

His friends Andy and Landon keep us company. They've been living here taking care of the place while Levi's been away, and I can tell by the way Levi slowly wheels himself around through each room, that he feels out of place in his own home.

I sat next to Levi on his couch listening to him talk and joke around with his friends, but he wasn't acting like himself. He held my hand the entire time and sometimes he would stare off into the distance while Landon and Andy bickered about who knows what. When I'd nudge him back from where ever his mind wondered off to, he would squeeze my hand and give me a little smile.

I hope he's not regretting last night. I know I'm not. Last night was amazing for me and I hope it was for him as well. I was nervous at first, afraid of him seeing me naked for the first time and wondering if my petite body would turn him off, or how his injury would affect his arousal. I worried for nothing because his body was extra sensitive in certain spots which caused his limbs to shake with pleasure. Everything felt perfect, yet today he seems sad.

I've caught Andy glaring at our locked hands with disapproval more than once today but I can't figure out what he doesn't like about it. Am I not good enough for his best friend? Or does he just think this is an odd relationship for us to start?...Like maybe most people will think. Things will be different when we get back to Boston. I'll have to figure out how to balance professional with personal. Trust me, I've had plenty of time to think about how wrong this relationship could be, he is my patient after all. I've never before experienced this kind of happiness as when I'm with him, so I'm going for it. Just because Levi and I might seem strange or different to Andy and whoever else, doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

"Can you help me into my chair?" Levi whispers in my ear.

"Sure," I gladly say, I then bring his chair close to him and guide his left arm, making him do most of the transfer on his own. He thanks me then rolls himself out onto his balcony and closes the glass door behind him.

Andy gets up and follows him out there, leaving Landon and I in the living room. We both look out towards Andy and Levi arguing about something then we look back at each other.

"So you and Levi huh?" Landon breaks the discomfort in the room.

"I was waiting for you two to finally realize how you feel about each other," he smirks.

"Is that a good thing or a bad one? Because Andy seems to disapprove," I point over at the two arguing outside.

"You seem like you really care about Levi, and lately Levi only seems happy when he's with you or talking about you, so that's good enough for me. Andy's just worried that's all. When Emma left Levi it nearly destroyed him, then he didn't talk to Andy and I for almost 4 months!" Landon reminds me.

He continues on... "Andy always hated Emma and how she only cared about herself. Andy tried convincing Levi she was only with him for status, but Levi didn't listen to him. When Levi ignored our calls after his accident and after Emma abandoned him in Boston, Andy was really upset with them both and now he's wary of any woman hurting his best mate again."

That's understandable that he'd be mad at Emma, but Levi? I clear my throat thinking of how to defend Levi before responding to all of that information.

"Levi was hurt when Emma left, he thought he was worthless because he was confined to a chair and needed everyone to help him with normal everyday things. He didn't want his best friends to see him that way and he was afraid you would treat him differently, so he tried pushing you away before you had the chance to give up on him first," I confess to Landon.

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