Missing Her

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Levi's POV...

"Levi, try that part again, this time get up from the stool, walk slowly over to Anna and reach for her hand as you say your lines," the director instructs me. Ha, walk slowly, that's literally the only thing I can do.

I move to stand up from the stool and quickly adjust my pant leg to cover my brace. Anna catches me and she gapes wide-eyed at my left leg brace, then gives me the uncomfortable pity look. I glare at her with slanted eyes and she clears her throat before fixing her posture and looks away from me.

Great! This is all I need. Anna is the leading actress in this particular movie and I'm only in a few scenes. Mark thought it best that I slowly get back into bigger roles, to prove to the producers that I am capable, I guess.

I follow the director's previous instructions and get the scene done to his satisfaction. Anna gives me a questioning glance, like why am I wearing a leg brace kind of look. I do my best to ignore her, but she decides to follow me up the stairs to the dressing rooms.

"Do you need some help?" Anna asks and grabs my free arm while I make my way up the stairs, one step at a time.

I shake her hand away, trying not to be mean, but I'm annoyed at the way she's acting towards me after catching sight of my disability. She didn't treat me this way the first two weeks, so why all of the sudden?

"I don't need any help, this is how I walk up the stairs," I blankly tell her.

"Oh," is all she responds in a shy tone. She stays behind me, maybe thinking she can catch me if I fall. At least she's silent while she watches me step up with my right foot then carefully bring up my left. Everything is slowly calculated while I concentrate on not tripping.

I sigh loudly. If this can't get any worse! Where is Charlotte when I need her? Oh right, thousands of miles away because I decided to let her talk me into coming back here so I can pretend everything is back to normal, when in reality, everyone here is treating me like a cripple. Everyone except Landon that is. Shit! Here comes Mark walking towards me, probably going to ask if I need help too.

"Hey mate! Everything go alright today? Do you need anything? You look like you're limping more!" Mark says to me.

I'm beyond irritated at this moment. No, everything is not alright, I've been having leg spasms all day, Anna is treating me different, and Charlotte hasn't spoken to me over the phone all week, only vague text messages...Is how I really want to answer Mark. I want to tell him I'm always going to limp, I'm always going to be disabled, so get used to it.

Instead, I only reply with, "Yes, everything's fine, no need to worry about me."

"Good! I'll see you tomorrow then! Not much left here, you're just about done with your scenes," Mark states before leaving.

I'm happy to be done with this small role so I can get back to my girl. This is a better time than any to go home and lock myself in my room for a while. I need to call Charlotte! I miss her voice, I miss everything about her.

The following days were not what I expected. Landon tried to keep me occupied, but the only person I wanted to see and hear from was Charlotte. She hasn't answered my calls in days, only a few brief text messages have been exchanged and I'm worried. Worried she doesn't want me any more, worried she no longer loves me.

I can barely walk on my left leg at all today. The spasms are frequent and cause me so much pain. I've had to resort to using a crutch to help me get around. Skipping PT was probably a bad idea, but I didn't care at the time. Landon is concerned and keeps pushing me to go see the therapist here but I ignore him as well. I've completely lost motivation.

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