Chapter 13: Interhigh-Preliminaries (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

   "Oh, nothing at all, it's not like you could understand anyway," Oikawa said. He's said some rude things to you before, but this time it hurt you a little. This time you could tell that he wasn't joking. 

   "What's up with you? You were perfectly fine a few minutes ago. Why are you being an ass all of a sudden."  

   "Please L/n, it's not like you'd care anyway, so why don't you just keep quiet like a good cover girl with no personality," Oikawa says with a smirk on his face. 

   You couldn't believe what he just said. Is that really how he sees me? You ask yourself. Anyone else could've said that to you and you wouldn't care but, Oikawa... That stung you. A lot. You got angry. No, you got pissed. 

   "What's your problem Oikawa? What the hell did I do?" 

   As Oikawa was about to respond Iwaizumi thought this conversation had gone too far and broke it up. Iwaizumi knew that this was never going to end well. 

   Once you got back to the team Oikawa and you didn't speak another word to each other. You were fuming and so was Oikawa. It's easier to be angry than sad, right? 


   The team decided to watch the Karasuno Vs. Tokonami game since you didn't have to play in the first rounds. You sat with the team, while Oikawa and Iwaizumi sat a ways away from the group. 

   Oikawa for the most part watched the game in silence. Iwaizumi didn't like it when Oikawa got like this, especially before a game. 

   "Hey, Shittykawa," Iwaizumi said getting Oikawa's attention. 

   "Hmm," Oikawa said in response. Iwaizumi let out a long sigh. 

   "You should apologize to L/n. What you said was uncalled for," Iwaizumi stated with a stern look. Oikawa glanced at Iwaizumi with disgust on his face. 

   "And why should I." 

   "Because you don't mean what you said." 

   "I meant every word. She's hot and there's nothing else to her," Oikawa says. Iwaizumi rubs his temples as he lets out an annoyed grunt.   

   "Oikawa, shut up. We both know that she's got a personality that's much better than yours. You just didn't like seeing her with Kageyama and you took your frustration out on her," Iwaizumi says, pausing before he continues his preaching, "The truth is, you have feelings for L/n and you got jealous. Because of this, you tried to push her away to protect yourself," Iwaizumi finished. Oikawa had a shocked look on his face. 

   "I DON'T LIKE L/N!" Oikawa yelled, but not loud enough for the team to hear. 

   "Please. I see the way you look at her. She's the only girl you'll give a second glance. You feel safe enough around her to drop your guard," Iwaizumi said while rolling his eyes. 

   Oikawa thought for a second and realized that he did show you his true self, but that doesn't mean he likes you...right? 

   "I don't like her Iwa-chan and I meant every word I said to her," Oikawa said, looking back at the game and then his eyes trailed over to you. 

   You weren't talking to anyone. You were crushed by what Oikawa said. You didn't even watch the game. You had such a sad look on your face. 

   When Oikawa saw this, he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. You didn't do anything wrong. All you did was hug a boy that wasn't him. Oikawa couldn't help but want to hold you, but he can't. 

   "Fine," Iwaizumi began to speak again, "But if she ends up slipping away from you, you have no one to blame but yourself," Iwaizumi finished. 

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