Chapter 5: So That's How it's Gonna Be

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No POV: 

   "F/n-chan what are you wearing?" Ami says with a questioning and horrified expression. Oikawa was standing behind you and he couldn't stop laughing. He was laughing so hard, it looked like he was going to fall over. You begin to glare at him as Iwaizumi walks into the room. 

   As soon as he spots you, he pauses. He looks you up and down with shock covering his face. 

   "Umm L/n why are you dressed up as a Neko?" At this point, Oikawa was laughing so hard he collapsed. Makki and Matsukawa walked in along with Iwaizumi but they didn't say anything. They were frozen in place. 

   "Wow F/n-chan, I didn't think you were into this kind of stuff, but hey, whatever makes you happy," Ami said. Somehow Oikawa was laughing even harder. You finally had enough and let your anger loose. 

   "WOULD ALL OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!" You yell. Everyone quickly clams down. They knew that if they kept going you would throw them across the room so they decided to stop. After a few seconds, Makki broke the silence. 

   "Ok, but for real, why are you wearing that?" You look back at Oikawa for a second. He gives you an intimidating smile. Like he was telling you to do as he says. You let out a long annoyed sigh. 

   "B-because I-I always wanted t-to be a cat..." You say stumbling over your own words. Everyone stood there in shock. Iwa, Makki, and Matsukawa all had dark red covering their faces. 

   Oikawa on the other hand couldn't stop laughing. This was all a part of the agreement the two of you made the other night. 

Flashback No POV:

   "Japan's number 2..." He said. Your eyes widen at his words. You quickly snatch your picture and wallet back. You then grab him by the shirt and pull him down to eye level.

   "If you tell anyone you're dead. You hear my Oikawa."

   He's gonna tell everyone, You thought. How come it had to be him. Why not Iwaizumi-san. Hell, every Ami would be better them him. 

   "WO! Calm down Shorty!" Oikawa yelled after he snapped back to reality. He has never been so scared of you. Right now you're scarier than Iwa. 

   "I AM CLAM." 


   "SHUT UP!"

   After a few long moments of silence, you let go of him. You stared at the ground and he stared at you, still in shock that you were the person he idolized for years. The girl that always made fun of him in class. The girl that always talked back. The girl never once let anyone into her heart.  

   His expression soon turns to a serious one. The kind he only has when he plays volleyball. 

   "L/n, why did you quit playing volleyball?" He asked. Now you couldn't look at him. That was the one question you hoped he wouldn't ask. You hated the topic, but you felt like you owed him an explanation. 

   "Come on," You said, leading him into your apartment. No one was home so the two of you could talk in private. 

   He quickly followed. 

   The two of you got comfortable at your table. He was sitting across from you and he was looking right at you. This was all a lot for you so you didn't say anything for a really long time.


   "Do you want the full story or do you want me to just get to the point?" You say, interrupting him. He freezes for a moment at your sudden outburst.    

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