Chapter 8: Feelings

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   It was nice getting the chance to talk to the Shritorizawa guys again, You thought as you changed into your running clothes. 

   You had just gotten back from the cafe and you were gonna be active for once and go on a jog. You haven't had much physical activity since your injury. It was a nice day out and it would be a shame to waste it. 

   You also felt bad for making Oikawa walk home alone so you picked up some milk bread at the store on your way home. You always saw him eating the stuff so you figured it was the cheapest thing you could get him. 

   Once you were all dressed you left your apartment and headed over to Oikawa's house to give him his bread. It only took about a minute for you to arrive at his doorstep. As soon as you did, you knocked on his door. 

   After a few moments, Oikawa opens the door. Once he realizes it's you his eyes widen. Shock falling over his features. As he was about to speak you shove the milk bread in his face. 

   "Here take it. I felt bad for making you walk home alone," You say as you push the bread closer to him. He takes it before you can squish it on his face and he examines it to make sure this wasn't some cruel prank. 

   "Aww, Shorty cares about how I feel!" Oikawa states with a grin on his face. 

   "Shut up," You say rolling your eyes. 

   "I knew you had a soft spot of my Shorty," Oikawa teases. 

   "No, I don't."

   "I think you do~" 

   "Oh my god! Shut up or I'm never buying you milk bread again!" You yell. You've had enough of him for one day. You started to question why you came here in the first place.  

   "Ok, I'll stop," Oikawa says abruptly. "...So are you gonna buy me more milk bread." 

   "Don't push it," You say as you glare at the boy in front of you. He jumped back a little bit and put his hands up.

   He took a good look at your outfit. It was a crop-top and camo yoga pants. He continued to look you up and down. He stared at you for a good few minutes. Eventually, you noticed. 

   "Can you stop checking me out? You should save that for your fangirls," You say, completely unfazed. Oikawa on the other hand was fazed. His face turned as red as a tomato. 

   "S-so where are you going?" Oikawa said, cursing himself for stuttering over his words.

   "On a jog," You say as you begin to do some light stretches. Oikawa starts to grin. This was a perfect opportunity for him to annoy you. 

   "Hold on Shorty," Oikawa says as he slams the door in your face and disappears into his house. After about five minutes Oikawa comes back out in his Aoba Johsai shirt and a pair of shorts along with running shoes. You stare at him for a good amount of time. Enough time for him to realize that you were looking at him. 

   "Are you checking me out, Shorty!?" Oikawa asked. You jumped back and looked up at him. You had blush spreading across your face. 

   "I-I wasn't and what are you doing!?" You ask, trying to keep your composure.  

   "I'm going with you!" Oikawa stated with a childish smile. As soon as those words escaped his mouth, all your motivation disappeared.  

   "No, no, no, you don't have to do that," You say in a distressed tone. 

   "It's ok I want to." 

   "Really, you can just stay at home." Oikawa of course didn't listen. He ran straight past you and he grabbed your arm, pulling you along so you couldn't escape. You let out a long sigh, giving in. He always did whatever he wanted so this should have been expected. 

Why Me || T. OikawaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora