Chapter 17: Careers

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   It was an ordinary day at Aoba Johsai High school.  

   This morning you were actually awake on time for practice, meaning Oikawa didn't have to knock your door down and force you to get ready. 

   You're currently in class taking notes on what you think might be math. There are too many letters in it to tell for sure. 

   As always Oikawa had to be a piece of crap and block your view of the board. After about 2 minutes of trying to look past his big ass head, you throw your eraser at him with as much power as you can muster. 

   His head jerks forwards a little as the piece of rubber makes contact with him. The eraser bonuses off of his head and back into your hands. 

   You catch the small object as the brown-haired boy looks back at you with a pouty face. You give him a mischievous smirk and throw the eraser at him yet again. This time it bounces off his forehead. 

   You stifle a laugh as Oikawa rubs his forehead. Ami looks over at the two of you with curiosity written all over her face. She watched as you flung the piece of rubber at him for the second time. She lets out a small sigh and turns her attention back to the board. This was an everyday occurrence. 

   "Meanie," Oikawa whispers to you. 

   "Move your big ass head," You whisper back with a threatening tone. 

   "I don't feel like it."

   "If you don't I will shove my foot up your ass," You shoot back with a stern glare. Oikawa gives you an innocent smile. 

   "Wow Shorty, I didn't think you liked that type of thing but if you're into that then I wouldn't mind~," The boy responded with a flirty tone. Your face turns a bright red and without thinking you throw your pencil at him. Unfortionaly for you, Oikawa doges and the pencil hits the boy in front of him. 

   Both of you scramble, trying not to look suspicious. When the boy looks back at the two of you, everything looks normal. 

   Ami watched as all of this went down and held back a chuckle. The two of you were so chaotic and she lived for it. 

   After that, the bell was about to ring, and before it did your teacher handed out a piece of paper to each student.

   "Have this filled out by the end of the week. I want to know what all of you plan on doing after high school. Your third-years so you should be making your decisions now," Your teacher stated. Once you got your paper, your head fell to your desk. You had no clue as to what you wanted to do with your life. Your dream was to play on team Japan in the Olympics, but because of your knee, you can't do that. Everything you wanted out of life had been shot to hell. 

   Oikawa got up from his seat and tapped on your desk. "Yoho, earth to Shorty..." 

   "What do you want Flattykawa," You mumbled as you continue to rest your head on your desk. 

   "Hey, that's mean! My ass has been getting bigger!" Oikawa yells. 

   You get up from your desk and look behind him. You examine his ass and then make eye contact with him. "What planet are you living on? If anything it's getting smaller. Wait, no, that's not possible." 

   Oikawa's eyes widen as a dust of pink falls on his cheeks. "SO MEAN!" The boy yells. 

   Right on cue, the bell echoed throughout the building, signaling for lunchtime. 

   "AHHHH OIKAWA-SAN!!!!" You hear from outside the classroom. 

   They're already here? That's a new record, You think to yourself as you turn back to Oikawa.

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