Chapter 35: Finding Y/n

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No Pov:



   Where are you? 

   I need you. 

   Your everything to me...Please F/n, come back. 

   Oikawa desperately pleads, running around the neighborhood, adrenaline rushing through every inch of his body. Every time he turns a corner, he imagines you standing there, e/c orbs, ready to hear him out. But of course, that never happens. There's only the emptiness of the street. 

   He feels water droplets splash down on his hot skin, warm from aimlessly running around in what seemed to be his own sorrow. Oikawa stops running for a moment, a realization dawning on him. 

   The chance of him finding you by running around at random is extremely unlikely. So he turns around, sprinting in the direction of your home. The rainwater splashing underneath him with each step, a bone-chilling breeze hitting him with force, though he doesn't slow down, not even for a moment. The desperation in his every movement making it so he can't give in. 

   Once he arrives at your apartment, he knocks vigorously on the door. When he's met with silence, he looks behind him to find that your dad's car isn't in the parking lot, telling him that he isn't home. 

   Oikawa steps to the side, peering through the window you never care enough to close, only to find that all the lights are off, indicating that you aren't home either. 

   Oikawa isn't surprised by this. If you were trying to avoid the boy, there was no way you would go home. 

   Panic seeping into him once more, he takes out his phone, pressing on your contact and calling you. 

   Please answer... Oikawa begs to himself, a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. His lips feel dirty and disgusting after having Mia's on them. 

   As his phone rings, he can also hear a faint noise coming from inside your home. It took him a moment to place the sound, but eventually, he realized what it was, hanging up the phone in defeat. 

   As soon as he hangs up, the noise from inside stops as well. 

   Of course, she left her phone at home, Oikawa thinks to himself, placing his in his pocket.

   "Shit, shit, shit," Oikawa growls in a low tone, frustration getting the best of him. He doesn't know what to do, and he has no idea where you are or who you're with. 

   Suddenly, anger and curiosity get the best of him. Running in the direction of the school, he hopes to face the root of the problem. 


   Once Oikawa arrives at the school, he makes a b-line for the outdoor hallway where he and Mia met only an hour ago. 

   He turns the corner, not really expecting to see her. But to Oikawa's surprise, she's still there.  Her foot pressed against the cold exterior of the building as she stares off into the distance. Her purple eyes are as cold as ice. 

   Anger pulses through Oikawa's body, but he keeps himself in check. 

   He doesn't think the girl notices him at first, based on her distant body language. But she does, though she only continues to count the stars in the almost starless night sky. 

   "I'm guessing you couldn't catch her, or you wouldn't be here right now," Mia states, gaze shifting to the brown-haired boy, causing him to jump in surprise. "She was always a fast runner, even able to keep up with the track stars," Mia continues, glancing back at the night sky, her arms crossed over her chest. Her tone isn't hostile like usual. The best way to describe it would be lifeless or distant. 

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