Chapter 29: I'm Sorry...

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   The boys' practice should be ending soon, You think to yourself. You overheard Oikawa and Iwaizumi talking about going to practice today, so you're hurrying to get off the campus, hoping to avoid them. Though, something always has to ruin your plans.

   You turn the corner, eyes set on the street. But, before you know it, you feel your body collide with something.

   The thing moved when you hit it, stumbling backward. You do the same, trying to regain your balance.

   Once you comprehend the situation, you look up, seeing the last person you wanted to see.

   Your expression turns to a mix of shock and anger as you look at the black-haired girl in front of you. 

   Mia looks up at you, an annoyed look on her face. She wasn't too happy to see your either. 

   "Oh, well, if it isn't little N/n," Mia says, her tone bitter and mischievous. 

   You glare at her, trying not to show how nervous your feeling. "Saki," You say, acknowledging her presence.    

   N/n, Saki? The boys ask themselves as they listen in on your conversation, their bodies pressed against the building. 

   You try walking away, but Mia was in an extra bad mood today, and she felt like taking it out on you.  

   "Running away, N/n? That's really all you know how to do, huh?"

   You stop in your tracks, a shadow falling over your face. You turn around, a loud boom sounding from the sky as a light sprinkle of rain drops on you and the others.  

   "I never ran away," You state firmly, looking the girl in the eye. "You're the one that runs from her problems, not me." 

   Mia didn't like that. She takes a step closer to you, an angry smile making its way to her lips. 

   You don't take a step back. This time, you're standing your ground.      

   "At least I'm not pathetic, wallowing in my own self-pity," Mia says, beginning to raise her voice and taking another step closer to you. 

   You smile at the girl, still not breaking eye contact. "I don't pity myself...not one bit...but you do. You've lived your whole life feeling sorry for yourself," You state, expression turning cold. 

   Mia's eyes widen as she takes a final step closer to you, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt and pulling you up. 

   When Iwaizumi sees this, he tries stepping away from the wall to get to your side, but Oikawa pulls him back. 

   Iwaizumi goes to argue, but when he sees the look on Oikawa's face, he gives up, staying out of your sight. 

   Oikawa is just as furstrated as Iwaizumi. Frustrated that he let you down. Frustrated in himself for not letting you explain yourself a few weeks ago.     

   "Listen, here you sheltered little princess. You have no idea what I've gone through, so shut your ass up!" Mia yells, starting to lose it. 

   "Sheltered? I'm far from that. And just because you've gone through hell doesn't give you the right to screw up other people's lives," You state calmly. Though on the inside, you're burning with rage.  

   Your cold demeanor pisses off Mia even more. She pushes you away from her, letting go of your collar. "Shut the hell up! You've never been robbed of everything you have! You have a happy life with a happy-go-lucky father and friends!" Mia screams, snapping completely. 

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