Chapter 7: Unexpected Meetings

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It's currently 9 am on a Sunday and you thankfully didn't have to go to school. More importantly, you didn't have to see Oikawa. Ah, it was a beautiful day. No screeching fangirls and no Shorty comments. What a wonderful day to be alive.

Sadly though, your father had to work today so you can't spend time with him. You had the apartment to yourself for the day.

The first thing you did when you got up was, get a banana and sit down at your TV to watch Attack on Titan. Something about anime early in the morning just hit different you know.

Ah peace and quiet, you think while you relax, lying down on your couch.

After about 2 hours of anime, you hear a knock at your front door. Somehow the knock was annoying. Not just because it interrupted Sunday anime time, but just the way they knocked seemed obnoxious.

You let out a loud huff as you got up from your comfortable position on the couch to get to the door.

You open the door, but you don't lookup. It was too much work.

"What?" You grown. After a couple of seconds, the unknown person in front of you spoke up.

"Wow, Shorty you don't look very good."

Once you hear the person's voice your head Immediately shoots up. You make eye contact with the last person you wanted to see. Oikawa. He was at your door. On a Sunday. The day that you're free from the burden named Oikawa. But no, not today.

You take a moment to examine yourself. You were still in your sleepwear and your hair was a mess. You didn't even take a shower this morning.

"You look like you just rolled out of bed Shorty," The brown-haired boy said with a smug smile on his face.

"Sorry I don't care about being presentable all the time, unlike you," You say while rolling your eyes.

"Aww, was that a compliment Shorty?"


"Don't worry, if you try hard enough I bet you could look like me after a hard practice," Oikawa says, leaning down so he was a eye level. He still had a grin on his face.

"Why are you here Oikawa?" You ask, completely ignoring his previous statement.

"We have somewhere to go and you need to get ready," Oikawa says as he pushes you back into your apartment, closing the door behind the two of you.

"Hey! Who said you could come in here Flattykawa!?" You yell, turning around and pointing at him.

"Now, now don't worry. I'm just making sure you get ready," Oikawa states as he walks by you in search of your bedroom.

"HEY GET BACK HERE! AND WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO BE GETTING READY FOR ANYWAY! I NEVER REMEMBER MAKING PLANS WITH YOUR FLAT ASS!" You yell as you run to your room. Once you get there you see Oikawa looking through your clothes. "What do you think you're doing?" You ask. Right as you ask he shove a bunch of clothes in your face. It was a crop top and a pair of sweats along with a pair of underwear and a lacy braw. Once you see that he's holding your undergarments your whole face turns dark red.

"Go take a shower. You smell bad. And put this on," He stated as if he was completely unfazed by the situation. You, on the other hand, were blushing like crazy.

"Fine..." You say shyly as you aggressively snatch the clothing from his grasp and head to the shower. "Stupid Oikawa," You mumble as you walk. You could have sworn you heard him giggle as you made your way to the bathroom.

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