Day 25: Namesake

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Glace and Luna waved happily as they saw their former teammates arriving at the café. The two of them sat down and were immediately mesmerized by the beautiful view. The café 'Seafoam' was built near the beach on a raised platform and the area for sitting outside provided a perfect view of the ocean. Because of the cold weather due to it being right next to the beach, customers were able to get some blankets to still be in touch with the outside, but if it was too cold, they could simply move to the tables inside of the building. But the four friends wanted to really be connected to the outsides and stayed there with their blankets. Sora and Glace weren't that bothered by the cold and gave their blankets to their partners who seemed to be freezing solid any second now.

"We could just go inside, you two." Sora said with a concerned voice.
"We haven't ordered yet."
"And that's exactly the problem! I'll just order myself a nice warm drink and then I'll be fine." Yuki replied while still shaking a little bit, Sora raised an eyebrow in doubt but simply sighed and shook his head lightly since he knew he couldn't convince Yuki once he made up his mind. Glace looked at them and started laughing.
"You know, Yuki, you're not really living up to your name."
"Hey! It's my name not my personality! I'm not supposed to like winter just because of my name and also I do like winter, I just have a hard time adjusting to the cold!" 

Glace started laughing loudly again, barely able to talk as the waiter approached their table. 
"So, are you guys ready to order yet or do I need to call an ambulance?" 
The group laughed as Glace started turning red at that comment but started ordering anyways, starting with Yuki.
"I'll take the hot chocolate and the strawberry mochis, please."
"Oooh, that sounds nice! I'll take that as well but instead of strawberry I'm gonna take the chocolate mochis please!" Glace added in excitedly, making Luna chuckle again. 
"Going full chocolate, huh? You already seem like you're in a sugar rush. I'll have the black tea and a slice of the strawberry cheesecake, please." 
"I'll take a small coffee and a slice of the cheesecake as well, please."
The lime colored Octoling nodded and smiled as he wrote everything down and went back inside the café. As soon as he was out of sight, Glace punched Luna on her forearm.

"I don't need a double whammy this early in the morning by you and the waiter!" 
"Well, then you should stop being such an easy target." The sun yellow Inkling replied in between her giggles, accompanied by the other two. 
"But let's go back to an earlier topic. You were talking about Yuki's name earlier and I was thinking about your names just a while ago because, like Sora, they don't sound very common."
"Yours isn't any different, Luna." Sora added to which she replied with a simple shrug.
"I guess so, but I was asking about you two! There has to be an interesting story behind them, right?"
The siblings looked at each other and Glace gestured to her brother that he should be the one answering the question.

"It's not that interesting, really. Just take a look at my eyes. When I was born, for some reason my eyes were as white as you can see now, even though no one in my family had eyes like that. Sure, my mom had light blue eyes and my dad light grey, but it still wasn't white. I was also born in winter and my eyes reminded them of the snow outside, so that's why they named me Yuki." 
The two Inklings were completely absorbed into the story and turned to Glace to continue the story with hers, but she just raised her hands a little bit and pointed at Yuki again. 
"Ah, right, you don't know the story. Well, since Glace was born after me, they felt like our names should complement each other, even though she was born in summer but I think it still fits. Since I was named after snow, she was named after ice, so that we would always be connected to each other."
"Awww, that's adorable and it also worked like a charm, since you two never lost connection to each other ever again after the Underground." Luna said with a warm smile.

The attention of the group switched as the waiter returned with the drinks, but the topic wasn't done just yet. Yuki took a very needed sip of his hot chocolate and switched the attention to Luna. 
"So, what about you?" The inkling raised her head as she sipped on her tea and put her cup down. 
"Well, it's pretty simple. The night I was born, there was a full moon and as soon as I was born I started reaching out for the moon, like I was trying to grab it and for some reason, I still feel connected to it."
"Well, maybe it's because of your name?" Sora added while he was still sipping on his coffee. 
"Well, but I didn't come to the world with a label on my head spelling 'Luna', now did I?"
"That would've been amazing." Glace replied in between her laughs as the others joined her.

The snacks they ordered finally arrived as well and as everyone started munching on their sweets, Luna pointed at Sora with her fork.
"Well, Sora, you know it's your turn now."
"Right, obviously. It's kind of a mix between Yuki's and Luna's story now that I think about it. The natural ink color of all of my family members is red, as you might know. But when I was born, I was naturally crying like crazy, but for some reason I turned my head towards the window and reached out for the clear blue sky, turning my ink to the color you see right now and I even stopped crying immediately. So, naturally, my parents thought it would be nice to name me after the sky that helped me calm down. From that day on, I never changed my ink color, to stay connected with it and even to this day, it's still a safe haven for me."

The friends kept talking about various topics as they drank their beverages and munched on their snacks and every now and then, Sora got lost in the sight of the horizon spreading over the ocean bed with the sun lighting up every part of it with its warming light.

Novelty November 2020Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon