Day 18: Confidence

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The cheering in and outside of the Wyndon stadium was overwhelming. The security was standing in front of the doors outside to keep the journalists and cheering fans under control. Hop was looking at Soraru with a very concerned face but his friends seemed to freak out even more. He was sweating and the shock was clearly printed on his facial expression. The challenge was over and Soraru finally became the champion of the Galar Region, but it didn't seem like he was in the mood for celebration.

"I can't do this. I can't. I can't just go outside. I can't. What if… what if they don't...what if… I…"
Soraru could barely get even one sentence out, the weight of his pressure seemed to push his confidence right out of his very soul. His legs were shaking and he was barely able to even stand and that was a sight Hop couldn't bear to watch anymore. He went over to face Soraru and put both his hands on his friend's shoulders.

"Alright listen to me and listen well now! You are the champion. You are the strongest Trainer in the whole Galar Region. You've faced so many dangers along the way, bloody hell you even caught one of the legendary pokemon! So tell me, what are you so afraid of?"
Soraru tried to look into Hop's eyes but he couldn't. He avoided the frustrated gaze of his friend and got into his famous shy stance, lowering himself a bit and grabbing one elbow with the other hand.
"I… I don't know. I just… I don't want to… disappoint them… what if I'm not the champion they expect? What if they won't accept me? I'm not even a native of the Galar Region! I'm not even strong enough to face them right now.. what if they will hate me? I shouldn't have participated in the challenge…"

Hop started fuming with anger and, with a still firm grip on Soraru's shoulders, started shaking his friend.
"Come to your senses already, mate! So what if you weren't born here?! That doesn't mean anything! You overcame so many more challenges than you might think! Just look at yourself and see what everybody else sees in you! What I see in you! A great, talented and amazing person who is even more amazing with Pokémon! Just take a good look at your team, will you!?"
When Soraru finally wasn't feeling dizzy anymore from the sudden shake attack from Hop, he looked at the Pokeballs on his belt and observed them all individually. He stopped for a second when he looked at the newest addition to his Team and put the tiny ball in his hand. Hop smiled at him and nodded slightly.

"Now tell me, what do you see?"
"A, um, a Pokeball?"
"That's right! And who's is it?"
"Right again! Now tell me, what is inside of that Pokeball."
Soraru stopped looking at Hop for a second and looked at the ball on his hand. He took a deep breath, tightened the grip on it, put the ball over his heart and answered in a more confident tone with a stern expression.
"It's a Gengar."
"That's right! A Gengar! Evolved from the Gastly you caught yourself!"
Caught by surprise, Soraru flinched a little and raised an eyebrow.
"But, how did you-" 
"Well, you weren't the only one who had the idea of training in the Wild area before the tournament and you should know that! I saw you were going to the Watchtower Ruins all by yourself and I just had to know why."
"So you watched me while I was trying to catch a Gastly?"
"Of course I did! You were scared of ghost Pokémon all your life after all and it seemed so surreal!"
"I still am actually… I can barely get myself to use it in battle…"

Hop patted Soraru on his head a few times and smiled brightly.
"But you did add it to your Team, so you already made your first step to overcoming your worst fear!"
He stepped aside and gestured towards the doors leading outside.
"And now, you should go and face the next one with the newly gained confidence! I know you have it in you, so don't be afraid. I'll always be there to back you up!"
Soraru nodded and looked at his Pokeball before putting it back on his belt. Then he smiled gently at Hop and put on a confident expression before going towards the doors. They opened automatically when he approached them and the cheers and questions were basically thrown right at him, yet he felt ready to face it all, took a deep breath and greeted them all with a bright smile.

Novelty November 2020Where stories live. Discover now